In April of 2016, Mars turns retrograde in 8º Sagittarius, travels backwards into Scorpio, turns direct again and finishes its journey by returning to 8º Sagittarius by the end of August. There isn’t a better representation of Sagittarian and Scorpio themes than the loss of…
If you have just found this blogpost thread, I strongly suggest you go back to the beginning of it before reading further. Venus Retrograde is over (at least for now—she will go retrograde again in March of 2017). We are past the peak in our…
We return to our story at a peak dramatic moment: In the Disney version of the tale, Rapunzel wants to heal Flynn, but Flynn refuses to allow her to promise her life away so that Mother Gothel will allow him to be healed. He would…
On August 31, 2015, Venus conjuncts Mars, just as she’s finishing her retrograde stint. They meet at 14º Leo. Obviously, if you have anything in your chart at 14º Leo, this would hit you with some significance. It would connect strongly with your Sun if your…
On August 13, 2015, Venus, still moving retrograde, conjuncts the Sun. I call this Relationship Clarity Day—a day when the purpose of the current Venus Retrograde period can become clear. During the current Venus Retrograde period, there is also a New Moon in Leo, which…
If you’re just finding this now, you might want to begin this thread at the beginning. On July 31st, 2015, Venus retrograded from Virgo into 29º Leo. At the same time, Saturn is retrograde in Scorpio, also retrograde, and the two square each other. This…
If you’re just finding this now, you might want to begin this thread at the beginning. Life in the Tower This Venus retrograde period begins in Virgo and then Venus retrogrades back into Leo (on July 31). A maiden imprisoned in a tower is an…
What is Venus Retrograde? Venus turns retrograde (or backwards) for about 6 weeks every year and a half. When she does, she pulls us into an inward journey, an exploration of the deeper mysteries of love. Relationships reach a crisis point at which clarity can…
This year Neptune goes retrograde on June 7, 2013 “Wake up!” says Neptune. “Recently I showed you that there is more to your life than what can be experienced with the physical senses. I demanded that you look deeper. Now I’m telling you again: it’s…
February 18, 2013 “Wake up!” says Saturn. “I gave you a chance to see your responsibility recently. Now I’m telling you again: this is a time of testing.” Today is a Pivotal Day When a planet turns retrograde it makes a pivot in the sky…
Jupiter went direct last week on January 30. It does this every year and when it does, we Earthlings tend to feel a sense of adventure swelling in our hearts. Jupiter brings good things, and, after several months in retrograde, he’s on the move again….