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A Season of Retrogrades

By Astrology for Non-Astrologers
Whew—I don’t know about you, but for me, this year’s season of multiple-retrogrades-in-a-row is absolutely relentless! Venus retrograde followed by Mercury retrograde—and look out people, because Mars retrograde is just about to begin and that’s the longest one of all. It’s thrown me off balance...
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Is It Your Turn To Walk Between The Worlds?

By Neptune

This year Neptune goes retrograde on June 7, 2013 “Wake up!” says Neptune.  “Recently I showed you that there is more to your life than what can be experienced with the physical senses.  I demanded that you look deeper.  Now I’m telling you again:  it’s…

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Saturn Goes Retrograde Today…

By Saturn

February 18, 2013 “Wake up!” says Saturn.  “I gave you a chance to see your responsibility recently.  Now I’m telling you again:  this is a time of testing.” Today is a Pivotal Day
 When a planet turns retrograde it makes a pivot in the sky…

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