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Initial / Natal and Transits Reading

The Natal and Transits reading is the BEST one to start with, especially if you’re not focused on just one specific topic. You can provide questions you’d like answered. If you’ve never had a full, professional astrology reading before and you don’t know what astrology can do for you, this is probably the best choice for you. If you’ve had astrology readings before, you might prefer a specific themed reading, found here.

The introductory reading will contain two parts: your NATAL chart (the Owner’s Manual of your life) and your TRANSITS (current events)

A natal reading shows you the 10,000 foot view of yourself in all your glory: your natural talents, your life’s central challenges, the reasons behind patterns that have formed in your life—and the way to liberate yourself from those patterns. The transit part of the reading is about current events in your life: what they mean, how to handle them for best results, their specific timing and when they will be over.

Your NATAL reading will reveal…

  • Your natural talents, so you can live into them more fully.
  • Your life’s central challenges, so you can handle them more powerfully.
  • Why certain patterns have formed—things that crop up again and again—and how to satisfy parts of you that may be sabotaging your success and happiness, so you can get out of your own way.
  • Your purpose, what it means to be you, and how to be the best you possible, so you can understand how your success as a human being is a gift to the world that it’s important you give.

TRANSITS will help you discover:

  • The meaning behind things that are happening in your life right now, so you can understand the message the universe is trying to send you.
  • How to handle the transition you’re in for the best possible outcome.
  • How long this transition will last and when it will be over, so you can get some relief immediately and also take charge while you’re in it.
  • And you will receive diagrams showing dates when dramatic events are most likely to occur.

THIS READING is for you if. . .

  • You’re feeling disoriented in your life, purposeless, or even lost, as if you were made for something—but what?
  • You sense that more happiness and satisfaction is possible—if you only knew how.
  • You’re tired of the recurring patterns in your life and ready to make a change.
  • You sense that you’re in a transition of some kind and you want to understand it and respond in the best possible way and the best possible timing.

I experienced a super-positive in-person reading (Jamie is warm, engaging and caring) around issues of great stress (divorce, childbirth, addiction). Time and time again as I encounter a period of charged events I dig out the chart and right there on the paper are signs and signals of peak periods of change, just as she said.” -Sabina


I feel so lucky to have found Jamie! I left feeling empowered and equipped to build a satisfying and fulfilling marriage with my fiancé. Because of Jamie, I have a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses in our partnership. – Jana


It’s amazing how, not even knowing me, Jamie could have such an accurate insight into my personality and the things that drive me. -Lillian


Jamie finally saved me from the terminal horror of other astrologers. -K. W.


WHAT’S NEXT? After you purchase your reading, follow the link to your reading’s welcome page…

  • On the payment confirmation page, you’ll find a link to your reading’s welcome page. Please go there immediately and complete the webform with as much data as you can. Readings will NOT be done without accurate birth data, which includes: city, state of province, country, and birth time down to the minute. If you need time to look up this data, no worries–you can fill out the webform now and email the rest to us later.
  • Watch the free orientation video on your reading’s welcome page. You’ll want to absorb this right away before we meet; it prepares you for the life-altering experience of a reading by explaining how astrology works and showing the scope of questions you might usefully ask.
  • Think about the areas of your life that need attention. Send your topics of discussion via the webform or before your reading. If you have further thoughts, you can send emails as you think of them.

Want a more specialized reading on a particular area of life? Click here to see our full menu of readings!