Full Moon in Leo: Ego Embarrassment. The January Full Moon in Leo occurs at 5º Leo on January 25, 9:53 AM Pacific time. This Full Moon features purely tense aspects, making it an uncomfortable moment. Read on to see for whom it will be most…
Full Moon in Leo: Ego Embarrassment. The January Full Moon in Leo occurs at 5º Leo on January 25, 9:53 AM Pacific time. This Full Moon features purely tense aspects, making it an uncomfortable moment. Read on to see for whom it will be most…
Venus Stations Direct, September 2023: Maintaining Openheartedness and Tempering Ego Venus has been retrograde in Leo since late July. Since then, we have been reflecting more deeply upon our relationships, our relationship to money, and our values. Relationships with significant others or friends may have…
Jupiter is in Leo from July 16, 2014 to August 11, 2015 Jupiter expands. . . but can Leo get any bigger? Leos may find their already-sunny personalities expanded this year. If this sounds like both a good and a bad thing, that’s because it…
By Erica Bridgeman, Pandora Astrology Intern By the time I saw my first episode of Star Trek on TV, the show had been off the air for 15 years and was, instead, relished as Saturday night reruns. Like almost everyone who experienced the program as…