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This Year’s Venus Retrograde

Is Venus Retrograde?
Venus is currently direct (moving forwards)
Venus does not go retrograde in 2024.

Most recent Venus Retrograde period:

July 22, 2023 to September 3, 2023
From 28º to 12º Leo.

Venus goes retrograde again in March 2025.

Venus Retrograde

Venus, goddess of Love and Beauty, goes retrograde in our skies about every year and a half.  When she does, she takes us into a six-week journey into the past to uncover what may be the hidden or forgotten places in our relationships.  Each time Venus goes retrograde I write a post or series of posts about it. At the bottom of this page you can find posts from past years.

What Is Venus Retrograde?

When Venus goes retrograde, she takes our hand and pulls us into the darkness of our relationships.  A retrograde period of any planet is a retrospective of that planet’s themes.  It’s like going into the deep, dark cave of oneself in whatever area of life is covered by the planet that is retrograde.  Retrogrades are a time of moving backward, perhaps of going back to pick up pieces lost in the past.  Thus, they are a retrieval, a turning inward, a letting-go.  Since Venus’ domain is relationships, this turning inward happens in that domain.

All humans want love, but how much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to get it? And how long are you willing to stay in a relationship where you’re not loved in the ways that matter to you? How long can you tolerate not being valued or being taken for granted? And here’s another question: would you rather love or be loved–and does your relationship force you to choose rather than allowing you to have both?

A Venus Retrograde period can bring these issues to your attention. It’s sometimes uncomfortable, but in the end, we can find tremendous clarity on our genuine relationship needs, whether or not they are being fulfilled, and how to go about fulfilling them.

How Long Does It Last?

The Venus retrograde period usually lasts about six weeks.

The 2023 Venus Retrograde Period:

In 2023, Venus went retrograde at 28º of Leo on July 22 and traveled backwards to 12º Leo, turning direct again on September 3, 2023. This transit brought up relationship issues which did not fully resolve until Venus again turned direct and also passed the degree of Leo where she turned retrograde. That happened on October 6, 2023. On this day, she was finished retracing old relationship ground and her mission to teach us about relationships was over for the year.

Venus traveled retrograde from 28º back to to 12º of Leo, so if you have anything at all in your chart between 12º and 28º of Leo, you felt this transit strongly. And if you have anything in your chart in the same degree span of the other Fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius), you also felt this.

Understanding the Venus cycle can help you in all of your relationships,
from romantic to business to family.
Venus is the Lover and Mediator in you.

To learn how to find the right partner for you
and improve all your relationships,

Contact Pandora Astrology
for a
Lifelong Love reading.

The Venus Cycle and Its Milestones

The grand cycle of Venus begins and ends with a day of “Ah-ha!” or epiphany. This happens when Venus conjuncts the Sun while moving forward swiftly and it brings a moment of clarity in our relationships and helps them progress at speed. There are two of them and they act like bookends, forming the beginning and ending of a Venus cycle. I call these Relationship Rapture Days and you can see on the diagram below that the 2023 cycle began with one on October 22, 2022 at 29º Libra and finished with one on June 4, 2024 at 14º Gemini.

There is another kind of epiphany during the Venus cycle—it occurs while Venus is retrograde, on the day she conjuncts the Sun. I call this Relationship Clarity Day, because if your relationship has been going through the wringer, clarity is likely to come on this day. This can lead to a deeper intimacy and authenticity in your relationship. Alternatively, it can also bring the clarity that leads to a breakup or a discussion of irreconcilable differences pointing to a likely breakup. The current cycle’s Relationship Clarity Day was on August 13, 2023, at 20º Leo.

And there is a third, very important point in this cycle and that’s the day when Venus once again returns to the place where it first went retrograde (28º Leo), this time to pass through and onward. I call this Relationship Resolution Day and it happened on October 6, 2023. On this day the cycle’s themes resolve and complete.

Venus Retrograde in Leo: Fear of Losing the Spark

2023’s Venus Retrograde period fell in the Fixed Fire sign of Leo, which introduced themes of self-expression, creativity, and ego. A Venus retrograde period is a time to reexamine love in your life: how do you get it, how do you give it, what kind of love matters most to you, and what is your type to fall in love with.

Venus in Leo is terrified of losing the initial spark of a romantic relationship. Prioritizing romance, playfulness, and loving attention, Venus in Leo wants a partner they can adore and be adored by. During this transit we can feel threatened and fearful when our partner is absent or impersonal. If there’s one thing Venus in Leo hates, it’s being taken for granted.

Thoughtfulness, presence, and attention are the food and water of Venus in Leo’s love. Therefore, examining where these elements may have faded from our long term relationships may be in order. Really, Venus in Leo wants to feel special and wants to love someone special.

The Leo placement means we asked ourselves, “Does my relationship make me feel seen and appreciated? Does it support my need for affection? Is it playful and creative? Can my partner allow me to be the center of attention (and vice versa) and is it fair and balanced? Am I behaving with generosity towards my partner (and vice versa)?” Pondering how to keep the romance alive in your relationship is a great way to use this natural reexamination period to your benefit. It’s also great to look at ways you can better share the spotlight with your partner and shine together, rather than one partner perpetually outshining the other.

Venus Retrograde 2023 with Mercury and Chiron

The Venus Retrograde in Leo coincided with Mercury’s Retrograde in Virgo and Chiron’s Retrograde in Aries, sparking themes of communication and healing.

Read more about Mercury and Chiron’s effect on last year’s Venus Retrograde here.

For more about Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023, check out our blog post about it here.

For more about Chiron Retrograde in Aries 2023, check out our blog post about it here.

Did this affect you?

There’s no doubt you felt a Venus transit in the area of life corresponding with the house Venus is retrograding through in your chart. That’s something you can make sense of in a reading with Pandora Astrology. Or, try casting your chart and looking into it yourself. If you want to understand Venus in your own natal chart, get your Venus sign recording here.

There’s also no doubt that if your Sun is in a degree along Venus’ retrograde path, you felt it too. Here are the birthdates (in any year at all) that were affected by this transit of Venus:

February 1 to 17
May 2 to 19
August 4 to 21

November 4 to 21

When has this happened before?

In past years, we have written post-threads during Venus cycles. In these threads we have drawn from mythology to show the unfolding of this journey as it happens. These are among our best-loved posts of all time, so we’re giving new readers access to them, even after Venus moves on:

Venus and Juno met up in Capricorn, while Venus was retrograde and Juno was direct. This was in December 2021 to January 2022:
Taking Relationships Seriously
When we yearn for commitment yet hesitate in the face of romance. 

Venus and Juno were both retrograde, and in Air signs, during May to June 2020:
Love in the Time of Coronavirus
What happens when the two relationship goddesses go retrograde together?

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio and Libra (October to November 2018):
Pretty Woman
How does a “pretty woman” become a gracious lady?

Venus Retrograde in Virgo and Leo (July to August 2015):
Rapunzel, A Tale of Adolescent Awakening
Feminine power and creativity escapes from her isolated tower. 

And this single-page post about Venus Retrograde in Gemini (May and June 2012):
Blossom or Honeybee? Venus Retrograde 2012
Anna and the King of Siam argue about fidelity.

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio and Libra (October and November 2010):
The Tale of Eros and Psyche, or How The Soul Got Her Wings
The classic tale of love lost and refound.

Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces (March and April 2009):
Descent into Love’s Darkness
All about Inanna’s descent into the underworld to reclaim her dead love.

If you are feeling a current Venus Retrograde period
and you want to understand its effect on your relationships
request a reading on Pandora Astrology’s services page.

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