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This Year’s Jupiter Retrograde

Is Jupiter Retrograde?
Jupiter is currently direct (i.e. moving forwards)

If you know anything at all about astrology, you’ve probably heard of Mercury Retrograde and its effect on logistical affairs. But Mercury isn’t the only planet that goes retrograde– most planets actually do. So what happens when Jupiter, god of expansion, luck, philosophy and religion, goes retrograde?

How does Jupiter Retrograde work?

What is happening astronomically when a planet goes retrograde? “Retrograde” means “moving backwards.” So, when Jupiter is retrograde, it is moving backwards in apparent motion from our viewpoint here on Earth. In other words, Jupiter is actually moving backwards through the constellations that comprise the zodiac.  It’s a visual illusion, but a meaningful and measurable one.

Jupiter spends more than half of every year moving forwards (astrologers call that “direct” motion). When Jupiter slows to a stop in the process of reversing direction, we call that a “station.”  An astrologer would say, “Jupiter is stationing retrograde today.” Conversely, when Jupiter is in the process of turning forwards, we say “Jupiter is stationing direct.”

I call these stations “pivotal days,” because the planet we’re talking about is literally pivoting. Furthermore, planetary stations tend to lead to pivotal events for those of us Earthlings who are effected.  These pivotal events will trigger changes in us according to the nature of the stationing planet (in this case, Jupiter).

The Mood of a Jupiter Transit

A transit of Jupiter brings the spirit of adventure, readiness for growth and expansion, and the sensation of endless possibilities and wide-open horizons. During a Jupiter transit, we feel open to new directions and we want to grow. Jupiter transits fill us with self-confidence—we feel and believe in our own competency.  This self-confidence rolls right off us and inspires those around us.  Leadership and “star power” come to us more easily during a Jupiter transit, as does sheer luck.

This may all sound like good stuff (and it is), but beware: Jupiter also magnifies. In other words, if we are already quite confident, Jupiter can fill us with overconfidence till we’re “too big for our britches.” Jupiter also has the tendency to also blow things out of proportion.  Everything gets bigger, which sometimes allows us to see where the glaring problems are. But, if we open up to growth, we can turn even a bad situation into a good one with Jupiter’s influence.

How will Jupiter Retrograde 2024 change us?  By bringing a period of growth, expansion, confidence and even luck.

Jupiter’s growth involves expanding beyond previous limitations. Accordingly, growth is often accompanied by a gain in perspective. Perspective could come in the form of travel and adventure, through contact with other cultures and new places. Alternatively, perspective could develop through spiritual guidance, or through meeting a teacher. Nonetheless, you will be empowered to grow.

Overall, you will notice growth in the area of life ruled by whatever planet of yours or house that Jupiter is transiting. For example, Jupiter transiting your Mercury might open you up to intellectual growth and expansion beyond the usual ideas that occupy your mind. On the other hand, Jupiter transiting your Juno can bring a spirit of adventure to your relationship—or cause you to want to have adventures outside your relationship.

In contrast, Jupiter transiting your Sun might make you feel like expanding yourself as a person. You will want to grow beyond the identity boundaries you have defined yourself by up until now. You may be inspired to grow creatively, or grow in your sense of authority. Meanwhile, a Jupiter transit to your Moon can infuse your emotional life with optimism and resilience, lifting depression and replacing it with warm buoyancy.

Jupiter Transits Through Natal Houses

Jupiter’s passages through the Earthy Houses in your chart (2, 6, 10) bring wonderful career and money luck periods that are great to know about before they happen. That way, you can maximize your luck and ask for a raise or look for a new job in the time when it can come to you the most easily. Whereas in the Watery Houses (4, 8, 12), Jupiter dives deep to expand our self-understanding and emotional awareness.

Meanwhile, in the Airy Houses (3, 7, 11), Jupiter enhances your social life and your relationships, also your capacity to take in and communicate ideas. And of course, Jupiter’s transits through his native Fiery Houses (1, 5, 9), brings growth of spirit, self-expression, and faith.

Without a doubt, Jupiter’s passage through any house in our chart inspires us and steeps us in faith and optimism. He urges us to leap and expect the net to appear. Jupiter’s transits through each house lasts an average of one year.

Understanding the Jupiter cycle and Jupiter Retrograde 2024
can help you
take advantage of your natural luck,
as well as guiding you through your own growth.

To learn how Jupiter functions in your chart
and how to use the retrograde cycle to your advantage,
 contact Pandora Astrology
for a 
Natal and Transits Reading.

Jupiter Retrograde 2024: Jupiter starts in Taurus and moves into Gemini

Jupiter changes signs once every years. Interestingly, Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus in 2023 brought us opportunities to grow our abundance mentality, feel good in our bodies, and learn about the mind-body connection. During Jupiter in Taurus, we expanded (Jupiter) in Taurus ways (food, body, money, security). To reflect on Jupiter’s time in Taurus and how it helped you grow, read our post about it: Jupiter in Taurus: Wild Combination.

In 2024, on May 25, Jupiter leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. He will not retrograde back into Taurus. In Gemini, Jupiter faces a particular conundrum: Jupiter is in its fall in detail oriented, logical Gemini. Jupiter reaches for the big picture and creates a narrative and a perspective; Gemini prefers to stay detached in opinion, preferring the truth, flexibility, and neutrality of pure information and logic.

Span of Jupiter Retrograde 2024:

On May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini and travels forward through 21° Gemini. There, he stations retrograde and travels backwards to 11° Gemini. At that point, he will station direct again. After that, he will travel through 21° and beyond, and repeat a similar pattern in 2025 once he enters Cancer.

How does Jupiter Retrograde 2024 affect you?

This means that if you have any planet between 11° and 21° Gemini, you are having a Jupiter transit to that planet this year. Jupiter in Gemini forms a challenging aspect to the other Mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces). Therefore, if you have a planet in 11° to 21° of any Mutable sign, Jupiter is transiting that planet.

Find out more here: Are You Currently In Transition?Jupiter Retrograde 2024 and Jupiter Transit Span 2024

Peaks in the intensity of Jupiter Retrograde 2024:

You’ll feel a transit the most strongly when it’s exact and also during its stations. Subsequently, if you have Venus at 15 degrees of Sagittarius, you’ll feel Jupiter’s influence the most strongly when Jupiter is passing through 15 degrees of Gemini. And also on the days of Jupiter’s stations.

In a reading, you can get a diagram of Jupiter Retrograde 2024 that’s personalized for you, showing the exact dates to watch for. A reading will show you which of your own planets is being triggered by Jupiter. We will talk about what Jupiter’s transit means for you and where in your life to look for its effects. This gives you a chance to see what’s coming and plan how to respond to it. (Getting this kind of personally timed information is the main reason people consult astrologers.)

Is Jupiter Retrograde 2024 Affecting You Right Now?

There’s no doubt you will feel this transit in the area of life corresponding with the house Jupiter is retrograding through, as well as the house it rules in your chart. There’s also no doubt that if your Sun is in a degree along Jupiter’s retrograde path, you will feel it too.

Specifically, here are the birthdates (in any year at all) that are most affected by Jupiter Retrograde 2024 in Gemini:
February 29 to March 11
May 31 to June 12
September 2 to 13
December 2 to 13

How to handle your Jupiter transit and Jupiter Retrograde 2024:

During a Jupiter transit you can attract more lucky circumstances faster if you are aware of where your luck is.  Focus maximal positive energy into that area.  Be ready to grow, be open to possibilities, and allow good things to come to you from directions you don’t expect.  Also focus on hope and appreciation for how good your life already is.  And try Jamie’s principles of how to be a lucky Sagittarian.  Then claim the good things that come to you—and thank Jupiter for sending them.

If you’d like to find out whether
you’re having a Jupiter transit this year,
and you want to thrive with it,
Contact Pandora Astrology for a reading.

Go Deeper

“Wild Combination” Jupiter in Taurus (May 2023 to May 2024)
“The Honorable Hero” Jupiter in Aries (May 2022 to May 2023)
“The Gentle Giant” Jupiter in Pisces (May 2021 to December 2022)
Is Jupiter Your Good Fairy?
Learn about the bigger picture of transiting planets in signs this year.
Here’s how to know if you’re having a transit this year: Are You Currently In Transition?
Read my Frequently Asked Questions about astrology.

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