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Relationship Package (3 Readings)

This relationship package reading is expressly for couples who are both able to attend the 3rd reading, whether in person, by phone, or some combination of the two. If your partner is not able to attend the 3rd reading, or doesn’t want a reading for themselves, the Lifelong Love reading may be a better option than the package. Returning Clients: if both partners have seen Jamie before, you might just want to get a Blissful Union Couples’ Reading.

Love takes many forms. In your Relationship Package, your and your partner’s sexual orientation, gender identification and relationship style will be respected, no matter how unconventional they are. You will be able to share anything and everything that matters to you about your relationship.

Every relationship has its own personality, its own needs and desires. In this package of readings we explore your and your partner’s personality and relationship needs, to understand what you bring to and derive from the relationship. Then we unlock the needs of the relationship itself and learn how to support and nourish the relationship so it can support and nourish you both, for a lifetime. Additionally, a peek at current or upcoming transitions shows us where you are as a couple right now.

Your Relationship Package reading includes…

  • Lifelong Love reading for each member of the couple (or a Natal and Transits reading, if that makes more sense).
  • A relationship/couples’ reading after the information from the individual readings has had time to sink in.
  • An understanding of the chemistry between you and how to best enjoy it.
  • Vital information on what your relationship itself needs to thrive and support you and your partner for a lifetime.

This package is for you & your partner if…

  • You feel like this relationship is not meeting all your needs–but you are committed to it.
  • You and your partner are facing challenges and want to do it together, as a team.
  • You’ve identified some of the hard parts of being with this person, and you want to handle them better.
  • You and your partner are about to take a big step (like marrying or moving in together) and you want “care and feeding” instructions for your partner, and for the relationship itself.
  • You’re ready to fall in love all over again and go on choosing this person again and again for the rest of your life.

Julia's interpretations of my chart were EXACT. This is not a fufu, hand-wavy, crystal ball shop. My impression is that they are studied and methodical. That, in combination with sense of curiosity, warmth and compassion toward their clients. -Frankie


I experienced a super-positive in-person reading (Jamie is warm, engaging and caring) around issues of great stress (divorce, childbirth, addiction). Time and time again as I encounter a period of charged events I dig out the chart and right there on the paper are signs and signals of peak periods of change, just as she said.” -Sabina


Julia was spot on for all of my qualities and she provides the best take home material to review. She was very personal and made you feel comfortable during the reading. -Nancy


I feel so lucky to have found Jamie! I left feeling empowered and equipped to build a satisfying and fulfilling marriage with my fiancé. Because of Jamie, I have a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses in our partnership. – Jana


I have had no less than 20 readings from numerous astrologers in the last 8 years from fairs to top branded astrologers and none- I repeat none have even come anywhere close to the skill, the precision, nor the detail that Julia gave to me. -Lulu


It’s amazing how, not even knowing me, Jamie could have such an accurate insight into my personality and the things that drive me. -Lillian


Wow is all I can say! I have had no less than 20 readings from numerous astrologers in the last 8 years from fairs to top branded astrologers and none- I repeat none have even come anywhere close to the skill, the precision, nor the detail that Julia gave to me. -Rich


Jamie finally saved me from the terminal horror of other astrologers. -K. W.


WHAT’S NEXT? After you purchase your reading, follow the link to your reading’s welcome page…

  • On the payment confirmation page, you’ll find a link to your reading’s welcome page. Please go there immediately and complete the couples’ reading webform with as much data as you can. Readings will NOT be done without accurate birth data, which includes: city, state of province, country, and birth time down to the minute, for both partners. If you need time to look up this data, no worries–you can fill out the webform now and email the rest to us later.
  • Also on your reading’s welcome page, you will be directed to schedule the two individual readings in your package. You will not need to fill in additional webforms for these.
  • Watch the free orientation video on your reading’s welcome page. You’ll want to absorb this right away before we meet; it prepares you for the life-altering experience of a reading by explaining how astrology works and showing the scope of questions you might usefully ask. It can be nice to watch it together.
  • Download your Blissful Union bundle (also found on the welcome page) and listen to it before the reading.
  • Think about the areas of your life and your relationship that need attention. Send your topics of discussion via the webform or before your reading. If you have further thoughts, you can also send emails as you think of them.

“Jamie – I feel so lucky to have found you! You are clearly an accomplished Astrologer and such an incredible resource. My reading was all that I hoped it to be and more. I left feeling empowered and equipped to build a satisfying and fulfilling marriage with Kyle. Because of you, I have a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses in our partnership. I am definitely interested in further reading as we have just scratched the surface. I look forward to meeting with you again. Hopefully sometime soon!” -Jana

Want a more specialized reading on a particular area of life? Click here to see our full menu of readings!

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