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Jupiter In Leo—Your Time In The Sun

By August 3, 2014September 27th, 2021Jupiter, Signs: Leo, Sun

Jupiter is in Leo from July 16, 2014 to August 11, 2015

Jupiter planet image 2Jupiter expands. . . but can Leo get any bigger?
Leos may find their already-sunny personalities expanded this year.  If this sounds like both a good and a bad thing, that’s because it is.  You probably know a Leo (or two) who seems to take over every space they walk into, even when they swear they aren’t trying.  Do you cringe at the idea of this person becoming louder and more self-centered?  You may also know a Leo (or two) who could stand to grow into themselves and express themselves more, and the idea of that person taking up more space may be entirely appealing.

This year Jupiter’s passage into Leo will fuel the creative fires for Leos of all stripes, and lend confidence to any planet you have in Leo, even if it’s not your sun sign, but hidden a little deeper in your chart.

On being a benevolent ruler
At LionSpiritits best, the Leo side of human nature lives life royally, but with a constraint dictated by “noblesse oblige” or the idea that “nobility obligates.”  The privilege of being noble comes with the responsibility to do good with the power that’s been put in your hands.  Sometimes this is driven by a very basic Leonine desire to look good and behaving in a queenly or princely fashion therefore has its appeal.  Whatever reason is behind it, let’s encourage it in our local Leos this year.

My dear Lions and Lionesses out there:  has nature made you a natural leader, someone that others follow just so they can bask in your glow?  Have you noticed that your attention is powerful and that other people look up to you?  Then Leo, become the “gentle giant,” and put away your hobnail boots, treading lightly on the lives of those around you, especially those who are not as fortunate as you are.

Are you afraid of being a target?
Then most likely you have a de-emphasis on Leo in your chart or possibly any Leo planets you do have are struggling.  What to do?  Take on leadership this year.  Practice being seen.  You might even try—gasp!—performance.  Find a creative outlet and then. . . let your creativity out.  Don’t hold it in.  Let other people see it.  Yes, it’s risky.  Yes, you might get noticed.  Learn to receive attention.  It’s a great thing to be able to do.  Find a low-risk, small way to begin it and it will grow from there.  Play unselfconsciously, as children do.  Before you know it, you’ll get bitten by the creative bug and then you won’t want to stop.

Is it your time in the sun?
If you are a Leo, this should be a pretty good year for you.  This transit will be especially nice for Leos born between August 4 and August 15.  Additionally, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus people born in the corresponding week of their own month will be going through a time of expansion too:

Leos born August 4-15
Scorpios born November 4-15
Aquarians born February 1-10
Taureans born May 2-12

If you have Jupiter in Leo, i.e. if your age is going on a multiple of 12 (i.e. if you are just about to turn 24, 36, 48, 60, etc), then you are having a Jupiter Return year—a wonderful year of luck, charisma and leadership.  Not to say that nothing bad can happen to you this year, but anything bad that does happen probably would have been worse if it weren’t for your Jupiter Return in progress.  And anything good will be enhanced by it.  Look to the house where your natal Jupiter is placed—your native self-confidence in that area will be bolstered this year.

Enjoy your time in the sun!


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.