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How Does Leo Love?

Leo heart 1Do you love a Leo?
Are you a Leo in love?

Human relationships are complex, layered things.  Every sign responds to love differently and has needs that are particular to it.  Also no individual can be categorized by their Sun sign alone.  Every person is a mixed bag of astrological traits, but an emphasis on Leo in your chart (or the Sun, its ruling planet) will result in distinctly Leonine experience.  In particular, if you have the Sun or Moon in Leo OR if you have Venus or Juno in Leo, this article is just for you. (Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart? Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs: How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.)

Are you a Leo in love?
Then you must also be proud of the object of your affections because for Leo, the Beloved is an extension of self and if your partner doesn’t look good and make you look good, you won’t be interested for long. Show your partner off and expand your aura to enfold her. If you’re the man, protect her and allow her the privilege of decorating your arm. If you’re the woman, let your glow expand your man’s masculinity (how did he ever get such a glorious creature?).  This big and showy courtship display is all just part of the fun—and a necessary part for Leo. To be Leo is to love big and to fully claim and be claimed. If you’re not proud of your partnership, then best get out. Every evolved Leo knows that this is all a game, but a really fun one and a game that must be played.

How to manage your relationships as a Leo. . .
You can be a pretty self-conscious person and generous to a fault with those you include in your realm, but one thing must be remembered and that is that embarrassing you is a deal-breaker. Making you look bad in public is equally verboten. All this said, remember that your partner is a sovereign being (as you are) and will make his own decisions and have his own needs. You are not the only royalty in this relationship. Treating your partner as an equal while secretly believing yourself to be superior will undermine love and rot it from within. Similarly, worshipping your partner as above you will also break love down eventually. If you must have superiority and inferiority, then divide your shared kingdom into principalities where each of you agree you may rule absolutely. Then practice diplomatic deference along those territorial lines.

Do you love a Leo?
Did I say “territorial?” Oh yes, Leo can be that way. Prepare to have a flag stuck in your chest, for you are about to be owned. If that’s sexy for you, you’ll have a terrific time and a truly grand passion. If it makes you feel claustrophobic, then you’re in for trouble and you’d best make ready for flight. It is a rare Leo who doesn’t tolerate PDA’s (“public displays of affection”), perhaps even demand them. You do realize that in every house cat you’ve ever been granted the privilege of being acquainted with, you have a model of Leonine behavior, right? And what does a house cat do? Demand to be petted and in doing so, it rubs its scent glands all over you, clearly marking you as its territory for all other nearby cats to smell.

If you have Venus or Juno in Leo in your chart, the chances of you dating Leos is very high.  How to handle the Leo you love. . .

  • If your Leo beloved is hiding out, avoiding the spotlight and being a wallflower, then get her center stage! Gently perhaps, but notice her unique creativity. A little sunlight will perk her right up.
  • Practice loving from a place of self-sovereignty.  (Join the teleclass below to find out what I mean by that.)
  • Remember your Leo’s roar is bigger than his bite. When your Leo roars, it’s because he feels ignored, unseen, small. Like any animal in the wild, his aggressive display poofs him up several times bigger than he is. It will pass and if you really hear him, he’ll listen to you.
  • The hair. Be careful of the hair. All praise the coif. You think I’m kidding? Try it and see.
  • Every Leo needs a good audience. The best audience is one who “gets it” but is not prone to flattery. If you can intelligently and lovingly critique your Leo’s creativity and spur her to greater heights, you will be invaluable.
  • Hint: A Leo doesn’t have to be arrogant and dominant if he feels truly in control. Take that hint into your relationship and see what you can make of it.

How to find out more:

In this article there’s only room to hint at the deeper understanding of Leo that astrology has to offer.  To find out more about being a Leo in Love or loving a Leo, get this teleconference call recording:

In it, you’ll discover:

  • Why your Leo can be an attention-hound—and how to enjoy mutually exciting give-and-take with him
  • What your Leo needs in order to sink into committed relationship with you
  • Signs Leo is most compatible with, and why
  • And if you are a Leo, you’ll learn the benefits you bring to every relationship you’re in and the relationship-killers you absolutely must avoid

Leo In Love is an MP3 recording lasting approximately 45 minutes, costing $9.97.

Click here for fast and easy MP3 download

Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart?
Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs:
How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.

Get a reading about love and relationships in your chart

Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.