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ven-r-scopes-759x500Signs In Love Teleclass MP3s

How do you love?
How do you want to be loved?
And who should you marry–and why?

Your Venus sign describes how you love and tells about the personality traits you desire in a beloved. Your Juno sign describes how you commit or marry and your best type to marry. These Signs In Love recordings discuss each sign in depth from the perspective of love and marriage.

You may want to get the one for your Venus sign and the one for your Juno sign, because many people’s relationship challenges stem from having a conflict between how and who they love and how and who they marry.

Don’t know your Venus sign? Never heard of Juno? Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs: How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.

. . . and read this article series on Venus and Juno: Do Love and Marriage Really Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage?

To purchase a Signs in Love Recording for $9.97, click its image. After purchase you will be able to download your recording right away. If you would like to purchase ALL the Signs in Love Recordings at once, at a discounted rate, click here.

You can also purchase Moon in Signs MP4s here, the Great Work (Saturn / Career) MP3s here, My Personal Year (Sun sign) MP3s here, and Ceres in Sign Wealth & Health MP4s here. 

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