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Love and Rebellion (Venus Retrograde and Rapunzel, part 4)

By August 12, 2015September 24th, 2015Astrology for Non-Astrologers, Astrology for Students, Venus

On August 13, 2015, Venus, still moving retrograde, conjuncts the Sun. I call this Relationship Clarity Day—a day when the purpose of the current Venus Retrograde period can become clear. During the current Venus Retrograde period, there is also a New Moon in Leo, which is in trine to Uranus in Aries. Saturn in Scorpio continues to square Venus. We continue the story of Rapunzel where we left off—she is living in her tower and is about to be discovered by … either a handsome prince or a thief, depending on which version you refer to.

(Warning: Disney movie “Tangled” spoilers are peppered throughout this article series!)

The Adventure. . .
In the Disney version, Rapunzel’s tower is invaded by a thief named Flynn, who styles himself something of a player but is easily subdued by an iron frying pan wielded by the indomitable Rapunzel. She may lack worldly experience, but she’s ready to defend herself, in true Venus-in-Leo fashion. She ties him up with her hair and makes him agree to help fulfill her one great wish, which is to see the beautiful floating lanterns close up.

The Disney version contains a number of Leonine symbols here: One, the lanterns are lights that are made of floating fire. Two, Rapunzel is taking initiative and she is royalty—a lost princess. Three, her family crest is a sunburst and it is this symbol that awakens her to her heritage. Only after leaving the tower and adventuring out into the nearby towns does she see the kingdom’s flag. Her epiphany later in the story is that she’s been drawing and painting that very shape her whole life—the tower is in fact filled with sunbursts, and this triggers in her a babyhood memory of her parents. She discovers herself—again, very Leonine.

. . . or the Affair
Grimm’s versions of all fairy tales tend to be a bit more, well, grim. They are often bloodier and more adult. Most of Grimm’s tales have been softened in the last century, for the ears of modern children. In Rapunzel, there are strong hints that Rapunzel has been having sex with her visitor and that she becomes pregnant. This is also apt symbolism for Venus in Leo, as love affairs and sex for pleasure and fun are ruled by Leo. So whichever version you go with, the message is the same. Girls just want to have fun.

In the next article, discover how Rapunzel (and her visitor) must pay for their fun.

Begin this article series here.
And read more about Venus Retrograde here.


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.