This eclipse has more energy moving through it than Grand Central Station! An emotionally fragile baby Moon in Scorpio must contend with the harsh realities of Saturn and the cold logic of Mercury, but fortunately Mars helps bring in some self-assertion, Chiron brings healing and…
This year going with the flow brings success and fun: Astrologers are very good at making dire predictions—but what use is that unless they can also tell you when is the BEST time to pursue new ventures? I’m just the astrologer to let you know…
You may have seen my blogposts about Chiron and wondered “What the heck is that?” Chiron is not something they teach about much in grade school when you learned the planets of our solar system, but it is a member of the planetary pack. Not…
January 10, 2013 Human Being is praying aloud. Human Being: I feel so lost. Why will no god hear me? Jupiter: We hear you. Chiron: We are here for you. Jupiter: We noticed that you’ve lost something. Human: Indeed I have. I’ve lost my wisdom. …
As the scene opens, we see a Human walking through dreary countryside, carrying heavy burdens. Saturn and Chiron show up on the scene. They talk with each other. Saturn: I see you showed up to help. Chiron: Yes, of course. A Human is in pain…
Chiron the Wounded Healer has spent the last few months (since May 30) traveling backwards. Today he turns his face forward and re-covers the same ground. Why should it matter to you? If he’s passing through a zone where you have a planet in your…