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Chiron and Jupiter Uncover Pearls of Wisdom

By January 10, 2013September 24th, 2021Astrology for Non-Astrologers, Astrology for Students, Chiron, Jupiter

January 10, 2013

Human Being is praying aloud.
Human Being:  I feel so lost.  Why will no god hear me?
Jupiter:  We hear you.
Chiron:  We are here for you.
Jupiter:  We noticed that you’ve lost something.
Human:  Indeed I have.  I’ve lost my wisdom.  I had a bag of pearls that I’d gathered all my life and they’re gone.  Completely gone.  Life makes no sense to me without being able to access them.
Chiron:  Nothing is ever truly lost.  Everything is kept for you.
Jupiter:  Wisdom gained is wisdom earned.
Chiron:  But to rediscover it, you’ll have to reexamine your past.
Human Being:  Why would I want to reexamine the past?
Jupiter:  You learned and grew through those experiences, you’ve gained those pearls of wisdom, but they’ve also become locked together like links in a chain that takes you into the past whenever anything triggers an old, trauma.
Jupiter hands Human Being a small leather bag.  Human Being opens it.
Human:  My pearls!  But look, you’re right, they are fused together.  Oh this is a hideous mess.  I can’t try to understand just one without the whole mass overwhelming me at once.
Jupiter:  Exactly.  Each pearl is an experience that contains hidden wisdom.  But they are locked together on this string—each one reminds you of another and another and another until you are overwhelmed.  You can’t draw on the wisdom of just one.  Your inner guidance can’t work while these are fused.
Chiron:  I’ll help you to loosen that string, and let the pearls of experience and wisdom fall free.
Jupiter:  Then you no longer have to get caught up in past pain in order to access your wisdom.
Chiron:  This has the wonderful side-effect of speeding your evolution as a soul who has lived many lives. . .
Jupiter:  . . . and allowing you to grow as a person in this life.
Human Being:  Ok, you’ve convinced me that it’s necessary, but how do I do it?
Chiron:  If you are willing to look inside yourself and ask yourself, “where am I split, where have I separated from myself?” then you can rejoin those parts of you that had been separated.  Bridge that gap.  Reconnect yourself to yourself.  Then you become whole.
Jupiter:  And then you find you are bigger, much bigger than you thought!
Human Being expands to twice his former size.  In his hand, the pearls begin to glow and separate, each finding its own shape.  Jupiter picks up one pearl and presses it to Human Being’s forehead.  
Human Being (smiling):  I remember that.  I learned the importance of trust on that occasion!
Jupiter:  You did indeed!
Chiron:  And you get to keep that.
Jupiter:  And all the others.
Human Being:  Thank you!  And thanks for making it not hurt too much.

This square of Jupiter in Gemini and Chiron in Pisces began in July of 2012 and lasts until March of 2013.


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.