New Moon in Pisces, March 2024: Logic in the Service of Intuition. The March New Moon occurs at 20º Pisces on March 10, 1:00 AM Pacific time. This New Moon features both harmonious and tense aspects. As a result, it will be a very dynamic…

It’s March of 2015 and the final pass of this revolutionary transit is happening—Pluto and Uranus are meeting up in a stressful square for the last time. Jupiter stepped in at the end of 2014 to lend a hand and Mars did a little deft…
The world-changing square between Uranus and Pluto in Cardinal signs lasts from June of 2012 to March of 2015, and this month its effects are intensified by the addition of Jupiter and Mars, forming a Cardinal Grand Cross (sometimes called a Grand Square) in the…
Our story began with Pluto and Uranus scaling the Great Edifice—and you might want to begin there too. Now in November of 2013, our story continues. Uranus has finished placing small explosives in the tiny cracks Pluto has found on the surface of the Great…
Our story began with Pluto and Uranus scaling the Great Edifice—and you might want to begin there too. Now it’s May of 2013 and they’re at it again. Pluto and Uranus are busy at the Great Edifice, a huge monolith in the collective astral dreamscape. …
Uranus goes direct today, as it does every year. If you feel that things have descended into chaos in the last few months, change is afoot and clarity may be right around the corner. . . (read about it)
Uranus and Pluto are involved in a momentous, years-long square in the sky right now. This is a really big deal and I want to tell you why. Every pair of planets in the sky has a cycle they go through together, like the cycle…
“Wake up!” says Uranus. “Are you facing chaos? Lately I’ve turned your life upside down. This year I’m making you an amazing offer: to not only restore the order you used to experience, but to shift your life in a global way so that the…