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Uranus And Pluto Topple The Great Edifice (conclusion, part 5)

It’s March of 2015 and the final pass of this revolutionary transit is happening—Pluto and Uranus are meeting up in a stressful square for the last time. Jupiter stepped in at the end of 2014 to lend a hand and Mars did a little deft diplomacy while retrograde in Libra  (check out part 4 of this thread). Jupiter and Mars have now left the field, but the North and South Nodes have arrived to bring a sense of destiny to this story.

Human Being is still in his own dreamscape. The Great Edifice has fallen. The ground is littered with shiny black rubble with a bright red interior showing in its cracks and broken places. Dead bodies are scattered around. People cower and hold each other, crying and confused. Human Being is consoling them. Meanwhile, Pluto (still dressed like a ninja) cocks his head to one side and listens, then calls to Uranus, who (still in his orange coat) is on the other side of the pile of rubble, scanning the sky for lightning bolts. 

Pluto: Hey, Uranus—are we networked to other Edifices?
Uranus: Why yes, Pluto, in fact we are! And that brings me of the rest of our work here.
Uranus leaps into the center of the rubble and digs a bit. Then he pulls a lightning rod out of his pocket and sticks it in the ground like a flag.
Uranus: There, that should do it!
Then he crooks his finger at the sky in an inviting way. The thunderclouds above spew forth a giant bolt of lightning, which zaps the lightning rod and sends a jolt of electricity into the pile of rubble and the earth below.
Pluto: Wow, that’s impressive!
From that central point, jagged red lightning bolts travel through the earth’s surface in every direction—bursting forth in a web of red light extending to the horizon. Far off in the distance, another edifice appears, a black tower which suddenly fills with red webbing, cracks apart and crumbles. Then another edifice appears—and another and another, too many to count. One by one they crumble, until the dark landscape is filled with a red glow.
Uranus (with some satisfaction): I specialize in the cascade effect.
Pluto: Spectacular. But what is there left for me to do?
Uranus: You’ve already done it, my friend. My lightning network has carried your transformational death-and-rebirth to other, connected edifices nearby. Change has begun and now there’s no stopping it. In the immortal words of a science fiction character named Kosh, “the avalanche has started; it’s too late for the pebbles to vote.”
Human Being has walked up to Pluto and is tugging on his sleeve.
Human: What are we to do now? Many of us are suffering. Did we deserve this?
In answer, Pluto walks to the nearest corpse and touches the top of its head. The spirit belonging to the corpse rises out of the body and floats before Pluto.
Pluto: There is no death.
Spirit: There is no death. But what am I to learn from this? My involvement with this Edifice has killed me. Does that mean I did wrong?
Pluto: When you take on a physical body and enter the world, it’s possible to create many different kinds of experiences. Good people can die, bad people can go untouched, these things can happen. Events are not always a statement about your goodness. Now that you have passed away from the physical world, take some time to think about what your life was for and what it accomplished. Begin planning the next one. Know that all your experiences will be judged by a loving Universe and that they will all contribute to your understanding. Allow those you leave behind to grieve in peace. Move on into the light of universal love.
Pluto waves his hand and a door opens in the sky with golden light pouring through it. The spirit is drawn to the light and passes through the door. Other spirits follow until all the unquiet dead are released.
Human Being (tugging again, more insistently this time): But what about those who are still living? What does all this mean about our purpose? What’s our destiny?
Just then, a giant bubble appears in the sky, with two angelic figures inside it. The bubble bursts as they touch ground.
Human: Who are you?
Angelic Figures: We are the North and South Nodes. We have vital information about your destiny. Please sit down and listen.
Human Being gathers all the other people in a circle around the Nodes.
South Node: I’m in Aries and I want to stress how important it is that you let go of old, combative ways. You have learned how to be battle-ready, but fighting and arguing are not going to solve your problems right now. Draw on what you already know about how to protect yourself in the world and then disarm yourself. Existing in a state of angry war-preparedness is no way to live.
North Node: I’m in Libra and I’m here to tell you how important it is that you be kind to one another. It’s time to embrace peace, respect, diplomacy, fairness, equality, democracy, relatedness, harmony, symmetry and balance. Connecting with others does not mean dominating them.
South Node: Let go of anger. . .
North Node: . . . and create peace.
Behind the Nodes, where the edifice stood, light breaks through, rays piercing the sky.  There is a white shadowy shape, softer and more rounded.  It glows warmly.  Pluto and Uranus laugh exuberantly, then grab hands with the Nodes for a happy dance.
Pluto: There it is! The beautiful, safe and loving world I knew we could create!
Uranus: There it is! The beautiful, egalitarian society I knew we could create!
South Node: There it is! A world without war.
North Node: There it is! A world where everyone is heard.
Pluto: I guess I can take a break then.
Uranus: I think we can both take a break. Nodes, would you stick around to help people transition?
North Node: Sure!
The South Node is already lighting little fires to burn off the karmic rubble. The North Node turns her attention to blowing little bubbles of rational calmness, which, when they burst above someone’s head, result in an open-hearted dialogue.
Pluto and Uranus walk off, arm in arm, and for quite some time you can still hear the thunder and feel the distant earth-shaking rumble of their footsteps.
They will be back.

The Uranus-Pluto square is only one milestone in the grand cycle of Uranus and Pluto, which lasts for centuries. That cycle began when Uranus and Pluto formed a conjunction in the middle of the 1960’s. Those were revolutionary times and the present global changes are the next phase of it. This square between Uranus and Pluto is like an earthquake with reverberations that will go on for decades until the next Uranus/Pluto connection, which will be an opposition in 2046. Expect the next level of really big change to happen then.

In the meanwhile, Uranus and Pluto will meet again much sooner, and in a more harmonious way. That connection will be a trine and it begins in July 2026, just 11 years from now. As to what it means, let’s see when we get there.

To read the first article in this series, start here:

To learn more about Pluto and Uranus transits, look here:
This Year’s Stations of Pluto
This Year’s Stations of Uranus


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.