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Uranus And Pluto Topple The Great Edifice (part 2)

Our story began with Pluto and Uranus scaling the Great Edifice—and you might want to begin there too.  Now it’s May of 2013 and they’re at it again.

Pluto and Uranus are busy at the Great Edifice, a huge monolith in the collective astral dreamscape.  Pluto is rappelling on the Edifice’s surface, searching for fault lines.  Uranus is preparing the explosives he will stuff into the fault lines Pluto finds.  The two are figuring out their strategy for bringing the Edifice down.  Human Being is watching all this, feeling a mixture of excitement and terror.  He tugs at Uranus’ arm.

Human:  Why are you doing this?
Uranus:  Good question.  I mean, look at this edifice.  It’s tall.
Pluto:  It’s shiny.
Uranus:  Damned regular.
Pluto:  Yep, not a scratch on it.  Perfectly cubic.
Uranus:  Perfectly PERFECT, you mean.
Pluto:  Right.
Both together:  Something MUST be wrong!
Human:  What do you mean?
Pluto:  There’s got to be something wrong here.  This thing is TOO shiny.  I smell a rat.
Uranus:  How like you. You’re always smelling a rat.
Pluto:  It’s not just paranoia.  Rats are everywhere.
Uranus:  In this case, for once, I totally agree there’s a rat.  I just disagree on your methods.
Pluto:  Yeah sure, but we’ve decided to work together, so how about we try to get along?
Human:  Speaking of methods, does this have to be accompanied by physical chaos?  I mean, can’t a giant structure like this change without having to crush a lot of people under its weight?
Uranus:  Only if you embrace the change that needs to happen.
Pluto:  Then it can happen gently.
Human:  Yes, but how?
Pluto:  Not my job to figure that out.
Uranus:  Not my job either!
Human:  Oh.  You’re saying human beings have to do it.
Uranus:  Good guess!
Pluto:  We’re here to do the work on the archetypal level.  We’re fomenting change inside the human heart.
Uranus:  But you human beings have to do the right thing with the breakthrough ideas we give you. . .
Pluto:  . . . and with the instincts we arouse in you.  Some of you will naturally know how to change the system without violence.
Uranus:  While others will have to blow things up really big in order to be heard.  Maybe because the authorities aren’t open to change.
Pluto:  Maybe because they are hopelessly corrupt.
Human:  So there’s no help for it—this is going to be a mess?
Pluto:  You might have to break a few eggs to make this omelet.
Uranus:  But we guarantee our results.  And—
Human:  I know where you’re going with this!  And each person has freewill about how they choose to respond to this transit, as with every other transit we experience.
Uranus:  Exactly.  So the real question is:  How gracefully can you accept change?  How gracefully can you accept new ideas?
Pluto:  How gracefully can you accept the passing away of the old and the necessity of moving on to the new?
Human:  Let me ponder that for a few months until your next pass, in November of 2013.

And so should we all.

Read part 3 of this post thread.


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.