Our story began with Pluto and Uranus scaling the Great Edifice—and you might want to begin there too. Now in November of 2013, our story continues.
Uranus has finished placing small explosives in the tiny cracks Pluto has found on the surface of the Great Edifice. They are ready for the first explosions that will make way for larger ones to come. Human Being is watching in amazement—they really are going to do this.
Pluto and Uranus stand back. Uranus pushes the button that ignites the first charge. In a cascade effect, first one charge, then several near that one, then several more, go off. A red webbing of fire appears in the Edifice’s shiny black surface. The cracks widen and send fingers out in every direction. In the cracks, now glowing red, Human Being can see faces and bodies squirming and writhing in pain.
Human: Wow, that looks like Rodin’s Gates of Hell.
Pluto: Thank you! I am proud of my handiwork.
Human: I wasn’t exactly praising it. There are people in there!
Uranus: It’s true that this Edifice is made up of people, after all.
Pluto: It’s not just a physical construct. A lot of people had to agree for this structure to come into being.
Human: Ah I see, and some benefit from it—
Pluto: –those will be hit the hardest—
Human: While others have stood by and allowed it to form, because they didn’t know how to do it any differently.
Uranus: Those may be ready to have a voice now, and this experience may give them that voice.
Pluto: But when it comes right down to it, all will have to take responsibility for their interaction with the thing.
Human: Isn’t it possible that it’s not all bad? Does it really deserve total destruction?
Uranus: Of course it isn’t all bad. There are some true humanitarians in here.
Pluto: Some mean well, and some even have integrity.
Uranus: They may not all see the whole picture of the thing.
Pluto: And when disaster strikes, some will come away untouched, will fall through the cracks, while others are destroyed.
Human: Is that a matter of luck? Or fate?
Pluto: It is a matter of being ready for change, of being able to smell it coming.
Human: But the other ones, the ones who don’t make it—do they have to die?
Pluto: No of course not, but they have to change!
Uranus: Change their minds. . .
Pluto: Change their hearts. . .
Uranus: Turn their heads around. . .
Pluto: Find the darkness in their souls and face it. . .
Uranus: And now they’re stuck with what they found there.
Pluto: Are they ready for change? Who knows? But they have no choice about it now.
This momentous square between Uranus and Pluto lasts from June of 2012 to March of 2015. Read part 4 here. Missed the beginning of this thread? Start here.
Are you caught in the Uranus/Pluto crossfire?
Is a planet in your chart being transited by these two change-makers?
Contact Jamie for an astrology reading to find out.