Pluto Enters Aquarius, January 2024: Transforming Democracy Pluto enters Aquarius this month, January 2024. 2023 brought some major shifts to us humans on Earth. Probably the biggest of these changes involved Pluto, the lord of the underworld. Last year, Pluto left Capricorn, where it had…
Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: A Transformation of Ideals 2023 will bring some major shifts to our collective consciousness. The most monumental of these changes involves Pluto, the lord of the underworld. This year, Pluto is leaving Capricorn, where it has been for 15 years, and…

“This is what I’ve been trying to tell you all along. Don’t call me an ice dwarf. I know I’m short, but really, do you have to make a guy feel so small? You’ve demoted me from planet-status, isn’t that enough? I have a heart….
It’s March of 2015 and the final pass of this revolutionary transit is happening—Pluto and Uranus are meeting up in a stressful square for the last time. Jupiter stepped in at the end of 2014 to lend a hand and Mars did a little deft…
The world-changing square between Uranus and Pluto in Cardinal signs lasts from June of 2012 to March of 2015, and this month its effects are intensified by the addition of Jupiter and Mars, forming a Cardinal Grand Cross (sometimes called a Grand Square) in the…
Our story began with Pluto and Uranus scaling the Great Edifice—and you might want to begin there too. Now in November of 2013, our story continues. Uranus has finished placing small explosives in the tiny cracks Pluto has found on the surface of the Great…
This year going with the flow brings success and fun: Astrologers are very good at making dire predictions—but what use is that unless they can also tell you when is the BEST time to pursue new ventures? I’m just the astrologer to let you know…
Our story began with Pluto and Uranus scaling the Great Edifice—and you might want to begin there too. Now it’s May of 2013 and they’re at it again. Pluto and Uranus are busy at the Great Edifice, a huge monolith in the collective astral dreamscape. …
Uranus and Pluto are involved in a momentous, years-long square in the sky right now. This is a really big deal and I want to tell you why. Every pair of planets in the sky has a cycle they go through together, like the cycle…
Our old friend Pluto turns direct again on Monday, September 17, and he’s bringing to a close this year’s underworld journey by showing up, right on schedule, to take out the garbage. Pluto has traveled several degrees backwards and today turns his face forwards again. …
We find Chiron and Pluto in a dark cave, by an underground pool that glows with a magical light. Chiron appears as a gentle, matronly woman with a kind face, dressed in green, flowing robes. Pluto is dressed in flowing magenta robes and is wearing…
Our old friend Pluto has turned direct this week (on Friday, September 13, 2011, to be exact) and he’s bringing to a close this year’s underworld journey. What follows is a repost from last year, with dates updated for 2011. Yup, Pluto is showing up,…
Our old friend Pluto has turned direct this week (on Monday, September 13, 2010, to be exact) and he’s bringing to a close this year’s underworld journey. What follows is a repost from last year, with dates updated for 2010. Yup, Pluto is showing up,…