Who didn’t react strongly, even cry immediately, upon hearing of his death? And especially how he died? Not me. I lost it. In looking at Robin Williams’ chart, I wanted to discover why this might have happened to someone who brought joy to so many. …
People are complicated. Astrology is equally complicated. There’s no other way of looking at human personality that is as granular, specific and pointed as astrology (in the hands of a good practitioner). EVERY other personality system, psychological theory or perspective emerged from a human mind…
That sounds like a funny question, doesn’t it? But have you ever noticed that your sign doesn’t really get along with the two signs next to it? In fact, they may seem to be about as opposite as possible. This may seem like an odd…
(including a gift for you to listen to right now) Are you a “highly sensitive” Neptune person? You know you’re one if: You feel everything more than other people seem to. It’s hard to shut out the world. You have a rich…
The world-changing square between Uranus and Pluto in Cardinal signs lasts from June of 2012 to March of 2015, and this month its effects are intensified by the addition of Jupiter and Mars, forming a Cardinal Grand Cross (sometimes called a Grand Square) in the…
If you want to find the trash and the treasure in the zodiac, all you have to do is count by eights. Each sign looks 8 signs forward to the sign it treasures. Each sign also looks 8 signs behind itself to the sign it…
by Pandora Astrology intern Melanie Rose Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), one of the world’s best known psychics, was also a medium and a channel. He was called the “Sleeping Prophet” because he worked while in a dream sleep state and while in that state he channeled…