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How Does Gemini Love?

Gemini SIL image copyDo you love a Gemini?
Are you a Gemini in love?

Human relationships are complex, layered things.  Every sign responds to love differently and has needs that are particular to it.  Also no individual can be categorized by their Sun sign alone.  Every person is a mixed bag of astrological traits, but an emphasis on Gemini in your chart (or Mercury, its ruling planet) will result in distinctly Geminian experience.  In particular, if you have the Sun or Moon in Gemini OR if you have Venus or Juno in Gemini, this article is just for you. (Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart? Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs: How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.)

Are you a Gemini in love?
How did you ever get that way?  Someone must have stimulated your mind and made you really think.  Someone must have challenged your intelligence or shown that their vocabulary is (temporarily) larger than yours.  Someone must have not bored you.  That’s the only way you could possibly have fallen into the irrational state we call love.  Well, now that you’re there, let’s make the best of it.  Enjoy turning off your active brain for a while and let the sensation of romance wash over you.  Quick, before you start thinking again!  What?  It’s too late?  Then your partner had better be witty, intelligent and mentally agile, or you will flit away like a butterfly.

How to manage your relationships as a Gemini. . .
The famous duality of the Twins is not an asset in relationship.  Both sides of you must like the person you’re dating or it’s a non-starter.  For you, liking is as important as loving.  Here’s another thing: you like to gather all the data before making a decision and that can mean postponing things like monogamy, proposals, marriage, or even dating at all.  You may not want to let your beloved in on your full thought process until it’s complete, and your beloved may feel as if he has been kept out of the loop, or even downright deceived.  You’re of two minds—that can’t be helped.  But communicating all your thoughts (instead of just the ones that will be received positively) is the honorable thing to do.

Do you love a Gemini?
I admire you.  I pity you too (I have Venus in Gemini myself).  Get out your butterfly net—you’re going to need it.  Certainly, a Gemini is hard to catch and then where will you keep him?  Not in a cage, certainly.  He must want to stay with you of his own free will—and that’s always changing.  You’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position, giving your heart to a Gemini.  But if you’ve just had a conversation that started as a brief chat at a party and ended 6 hours later in a bar or bedroom, then you’re hooked.  It’s quite possible you met online and if so, be sure to meet in person before placing your heart in your Gemini’s hands.  After all, love is not just a theory.

If you have Venus or Juno in Gemini in your chart, the chances of you dating Geminians is very high.  How to handle the Gemini you love. . .

  • Feed his curiosity with interesting questions.  Listen with interest to his factoids.
  • Be patient.  She will surely flit away but just as likely she will flit back—especially if you are not grasping.  All you have to do is wait.
  • Praise his intelligence, but value his wisdom even more highly.  As he ages, he will acquire more of it.
  • Squash her snarky gossip; she’s covering a fear of inadequacy with it.  Instead, encourage her to bring open-mindedness and objectivity to her friendships, and to listen more and talk less.  Her friendships will deepen and last longer.
  • Don’t press your Gemini to make decisions too fast, or after inadequate data-gathering.  And definitely don’t expect swift action.
  • Share your favorite book with her.  Tell you why you love it.  Find out what hers is.

How to find out more:
In this article there’s only room to hint at the deeper understanding of Gemini that astrology has to offer.  To find out more about being a Gemini in Love or loving a Gemini, get this teleconference call recording:

In it, you’ll discover:

  • Why your Gemini flits around like a butterfly–and how to catch him without crushing his wings
  • What your Gemini needs in order to sink into committed relationship with you
  • Signs Gemini is most compatible with, and why
  • And if you are a Gemini, you’ll learn the benefits you bring to every relationship you’re in and the relationship-killers you absolutely must avoid

Gemini In Love is an MP3 recording lasting approximately 45 minutes, costing $9.97.

Click here for fast and easy MP3 download

Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart?
Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs:
How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.

Get a reading about love and relationships in your chart

Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.