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How Does Virgo Love?

Do you love a Virgo?
Are you a Virgo in love?Virgo heart 2

Human relationships are complex, layered things.  Every sign responds to love differently and has needs that are particular to it.  Also no individual can be categorized by their Sun sign alone.  Every person is a mixed bag of astrological traits, but an emphasis on Virgo in your chart (or its ruling planet, Mercury) will result in distinctly Virgoan experience.  In particular, if you have the Sun or Moon in Virgo OR if you have Venus or Juno in Virgo, this article is just for you. (Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart? Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs: How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.)

Are you a Virgo in love?
Then get ready to surrender to the experience and let love wash over you.  This is not easy for Virgo to do—after all, it’s the sign of the Virgin, right?  But elsewhere on my blog I’ve said that Virgos are sexy without even trying and I stand by that.  So exactly how does a self-contained Virgo let loose?  How does an organized Virgo get disheveled?  How does a well-regulated, controlling, anal-retentive Virgo go mad with desire?  THOROUGHLY, believe me.  They say no one behaves badly like a lapsed Catholic and a lapsed Virgo is awfully good at being bad, when he decides to be.  When a person who pays attention to details attends to the seduction of you, you’d best simply give up resisting.  You don’t stand a chance.

How to manage your relationships as a Virgo. . .
As I hinted above, your microscopic attention to detail may be your best feature in relationship.  It may also be your worst.  You know this already:  the problem lies in criticism.  Criticism of others can kill your relationships and self-criticism can kill your attempts to get into a relationship.  What to do?  Practice appreciation.  Noticing the flaws will always be your forte and there’s no stopping you from doing that, but you can decide to notice the good things as well—the beauties, the charms, the delights, the good traits and the positive movement your partner shows you.  The more you notice these wonderful things your partnership gives you access to, the more of them there will be to notice.

Do you love a Virgo?
Then you might need advice on how to warm her up and get her to let her hair down.  Or at least, you MIGHT not need that at first, but eventually, you will.  Because once her brain kicks in and she starts thinking, she may reconsider the relationship.  When a Virgo gets her heart broken a lot, she begins to think about what she deserves.  If she has high self-esteem, she might avoid relationship altogether because no sign (possibly excepting Aries) is as self-reliant.  If she decides to try and “have it all” she might throw away a not-bad or even a pretty-good relationship in search of a perfect one.  But that animal doesn’t exist.  You’ll have to work to keep her around without her feeling she has settled.

In the next section, you’ll find some tips on how to do that.

If you have Venus or Juno in Virgo in your chart, the chances of you dating Virgoans is very high.  How to handle the Virgo you love. . .

  • Be clean and well-organized.  You think I’m kidding?  I’m not.  It’s a cliché that happens to be true.  If she has to clean up after you for the rest of your life, why would she want to marry you?  Modern Virgos are nobody’s servants.
  • If you marry him, be as hard-working as he is.  This will gain his respect, which is just as worth having as his love.  It also means he can work less and relax with you more.
  • When he criticizes you, praise him in return.  He will notice he’s being small and this will embarrass him (in a good way).  Also, you will model how you want to be communicated with.
  • Notice the ways she wants to be a better person and take a stand for her becoming that person.  When she picks on herself, tell her you know she can do better and that you’re just waiting for her better self to emerge.  You will gain all of her attention this way.
  • Become a better person yourself.  And report on your progress to her.  Not in a boasting way, but in a “progress report” kind of way.  Engage her in your process of self-improvement; really share it with her.
  • Tell him often how much you value his opinion, presence, affection and attention in your life.  That will for sure garner you more of it.  But don’t flatter, because you’ll come off as insincere.  Be brief, be to the point, then move on.

How to find out more:
In this article there’s only room to hint at the deeper understanding of Virgo that astrology has to offer.  To find out more about being a Virgo in Love or loving a Virgo, get this teleconference call recording:

In it, you’ll discover:

  • Why your Virgo is so critical–and self-critical—and how to soothe his perfectionism
  • What your Virgo needs in order to sink into committed relationship with you
  • Signs Virgo is most compatible with, and why
  • And if you are a Virgo, you’ll learn the benefits you bring to every relationship you’re in and the relationship-killers you absolutely must avoid

Virgo In Love is an MP3 recording lasting approximately 45 minutes, costing $9.97.

Click here for fast and easy MP3 download

Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart?
Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs:
How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.

Get a reading about love and relationships in your chart

Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.