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Juno Conjunct Sun, June 2023

By June 24, 2023July 7th, 2023Juno

Juno conjunct Sun, June 2023: “Commitment Rapture Day”. Juno is the Goddess of Committed Partnerships of all kinds, whether personal or professional. As of June, Juno has been direct since October 2022. On December 24, 2022, Juno passed the degree of Pisces where she turned retrograde. At that point, Juno finally finished retracing old relationship ground. Her mission to teach us about our spiritual needs in partnership needs was over for the year. Juno direct conjunct Sun is the landmark that begins Juno’s new cycle. In this article, you will find out how to make the most of Juno’s new cycle as it begins.

Commitment Rapture Day: Juno Direct Conjunct Sun

When Juno direct is conjunct the Sun, she brings a peak moment in our partnerships, helping them progress quickly and healthily. This is a time when relationships can progress forward at speed and in a good direction. If you are in one, this is a flourishing time for it. And if you’re single and looking, this can be a very fruitful time. Because relationships can also be born near this day, it’s a good time to put yourself out there in the dating world. Another great way to use this energy is to pay close attention to your social interactions on this day. Who do you “just happen” to meet up with or encounter? You might find yourself at the beginning of a special connection. 

We call the day that Juno conjoins the Sun “Commitment Rapture Day”, and it plays a significant role in Juno’s larger retrograde cycle.

The End of Juno’s Previous Cycle

Since Juno went direct in October, she has moved through Pisces, Aries, and Taurus, before reaching Gemini, where she is now. When Juno is direct, we tend to actively live our relationships rather than reflect on them. We reflected deeply during the last Juno Retrograde in Pisces, examining our relationships through a spiritual lens. Consequently, we either came out more certain of the significant relationships we were in, or left behind relationships that did not feel spiritually aligned.

Juno Conjunct Sun, June 20 2023, 12:37 AM PST

Juno Conjunct Sun 2023

Communication and Truth in Actions: Juno Conjunct Sun, June 2023

Juno direct conjoins the Sun in Gemini on June 20, 2023. Additionally, with Mercury hanging out nearby, the emphasis here is clearly on words and communication. Therefore, we are likely to receive insights regarding our communication with significant others in our lives.

On the day that Juno conjoins the Sun, the two are involved in a T-square with Ceres and Neptune. Mutable T-squares are known for their distractibility, pulling energies in several different directions.  Thus, this configuration pits Juno and the Sun against the distracting forces of Neptune and Ceres. 

On one hand, Ceres in Virgo is pulling for a practical approach and might reality-test any potential relationship that shows up. On the other hand, Neptune in her home sign of Pisces is at the height of her powers of confusion. If you meet someone on or near June 20th, you might find yourself caught up in Neptune’s faerie-glamor and wondering if they are a soul mate–while simultaneously over-analyzing the situation, as Ceres is on the lookout for flaws.  

Understanding the Juno cycle is incredibly useful
for help in understanding your significant partnerships,
be they professional, platonic, or romantic.

Find out more about how Juno functions in your chart
and your other love planets with a Lifelong Love Reading

Juno Direct Quincunx Pluto: Seeking the Truth

Simultaneously, Juno and the Sun are quincunx Pluto in Capricorn. The quincunx is a seemingly irresolvable aspect, promoting an erratic, one-or-the-other mentality. Therefore, you may seek the deep, underlying truth of the situation on this day, but have trouble finding it in language. Or you may pick up on psychological undercurrents that don’t match what is being communicated out loud and on the surface. 

Pluto in Capricorn is concerned with deep structural change. In a Cardinal Earth sign, Pluto desires concrete action. Meanwhile, Juno and the Sun Gemini are quick, superficial, and cerebral. Gemini’s attention span is pulled in multiple directions, and its perspective changes constantly. Juno and the Sun in a Mutable Air sign prefer thinking and talking rather than doing.

Consequently, the tension between these two planets may cause us to feel that there is no solution to our problems. Yet, this aspect occurs on a Commitment Rapture Day, giving us the opportunity to receive insight regarding this seemingly impossible conundrum. 

Does Juno Conjunct Sun Affect Me?

If you have a planet in your chart placed between 23º and 29º of a Mutable sign, you’ll feel this transit very personally. You will also feel it if you have a planet in 0º to 3º of a Cardinal Sign.

This transit will also strongly affect you if your birthday falls in any of the following date spans:

March 13 to 23
June 14 to 24
September 16 to 26
December 15 to 25

After conjoining the Sun, Juno prepares to enter a brand new cycle, with brand new themes.

A New Juno Cycle: Juno Will Go Retrograde in Virgo

The day that Juno direct conjoins the Sun marks the beginning and end of a Juno cycle. When this happens on June 20, 2023 at 28º Gemini, it marks the end of the cycle that began in January 2022. This cycle ends in October 2024.

This new cycle features Juno’s retrograde in Virgo, from January to April 2024. As such, Virgo themes will come to the fore of our relationships as this new cycle begins. During this Juno Retrograde, we will examine inequality, service, communication, the sharing of daily life and tasks, and how our words and thoughts take concrete form in the context of our relationships.

Want to get the most out of this transit?

Read about previous retrogrades of Juno, the goddess of committed relationship, by perusing our past blog posts below.

Juno in 2022:
Rapturous Relating: Juno Direct and Venus Conjunct Sun (Oct 2022)
Relationship Retrospection: Mercury and Juno Retrograde (Sept 2022)
Juno Retrograde in Pisces (July 2022)

See Juno’s movement and important dates while retrograde.
And here’s our Monthly Forecast.

If Juno is affecting you personally during her transit, and you’d like to understand
her impact on your relationships more deeply,
book a
Lifelong Love Reading with one of Pandora Astrology’s three professional astrologers.

Or, try casting your own chart and analyzing Juno’s movement through your chart yourself.

Fran Xin Yi

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