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Monthly Astrology Forecast for March 2025

Welcome to Pandora’s monthly astrology forecast. Here you’ll find news for the year, for the month and for dates this month when important changes are happening in our skies. You’ll also find words and videos explaining what they mean, how to handle them and how to know if they affect your chart specifically.

Pandora Astrology Monthly Forecast, February 2024 Astrology

What does the March Astrology Forecast hold in store for you?

March Astrology Forecast:
This Month’s Planetary Movements

The Astrology of 2025—Outer Planets in Signs

There are some really big changes coming this year because in 2025, four of the six outer planets are changing signs, while two planets continue in their same signs.

Outer Planets Changing Signs:

The two continuing planets are Pluto (in Aquarius) and Chiron (in Aries). Planets moving into a new sign include Neptune and Saturn, both of which leave Pisces this year and shift into Aries. Additionally, Uranus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. And lastly we have Jupiter, which will finish its Gemini span from last year, and move into Cancer.

One side effect of all this is that 3 of the outer planets (which means HALF of them) are moving into Aries—and that’s a lot of warrior energy coming at us this year.

Saturn Sextile Uranus:

On March 21 and through April 19, 2025, Saturn will sextile Uranus. This is the first pass of three in a sextile, and it’s the only one where Saturn is in Pisces and Uranus is in Taurus. The other two passes will be in Aries and Gemini and the pass happens in January 2026.

It’s a wonderful thing when Saturn the Disciplinarian shakes hands and forms an alliance with Uranus the Inventor. It can signal a period when changes happen without breaking the structures already in place. Natives who have this in their charts can be inventive but also restrained.

Neptune Changes Signs:

On March 30, Neptune enters Aries. Neptune casts a faerie-glamour over any sign she enters, so expect the Warmonger sign of Aries to acquire a rosy tint over the next 14 years. Everybody’s the hero of their own life story, right? Even the Unabomber. There’s more about Neptune in Aries in the Astrology of 2025 video below.

Dates and Details About Timing:

In the video below, I look at all six of the outer planets, and talk about the sign each one is in and what that means for us in 2025. I’ll tell you how each planetary sign changes feels and I’ll give you important dates when changes happen. Along the way, I’ll show you the degree span that every planet is traveling through. This will give you a clue about whether you’re having a transit of that planet this year.

Read more here…

March Astrology Forecast:
Faster-Moving Planets, Riddled With Retrogrades

During March there is a large group of planets in Pisces and a growing movement of planets from Pisces into Aries. Natives of both signs will feel the stimulation. And this month SEVERAL planets go retrograde: Venus, Mercury and Juno, while Mars is resolving the end of a recent retrograde period.


On March 1, Venus goes retrograde at 10º Aries. As I mentioned in last month’s Forecast, Aries is Venus’ sign of detriment and she doesn’t do well there. This is because the Peacemaker (Venus rules Libra the Scales) does not make a great Warrior (in the fierce sign of Aries, ruled by Mars).

Venus Retrograde will be a relationship retrospection period, bringing many lessons about the role of assertiveness in relationships. How much is enough? How much is too much? People with strong Aries and Pisces placements in their charts will be the first to learn during this transit.

Venus will be retrograde for 6 weeks, from March 1 to April 12, 2025, from 24º Pisces to 10º Aries. On March 22, Relationship Clarity Day happens when Venus Retrograde conjuncts Sun at 2º Aries.

Watch for updates to my main Venus page and a video about this Venus Retrograde, coming soon. Juno Retrograde will also be in the video.

Moon / Eclipse Season: 

On March 13, this year’s Spring Eclipse begins with a Lunar Eclipse at 23º Virgo. It features the Moon conjunct the South Node. On March 29, it’s followed by a partial Solar Eclipse at 9º Aries, with a much more fiery feel. During this one, the Sun conjuncts the North Node.

Lunar Eclipses tend to stir up strong emotions and are experienced internally. Solar Eclipses can lead to overt actions and are usually experienced externally. When the South Node is involved, there is pressure to release something old that is getting in your way. When the North Node is involved, there is pressure to forge ahead and bring in the new.

Watch for updates to my main Eclipses page and a video about 2025’s Spring Eclipse season, coming soon.


It’s that time again! Mercury Retrograde, famous for breaking office machinery, losing letters and leaving you feeling misunderstood. This Mercury Retrograde period will be in Pisces and Aries, the same signs that Venus will go retrograde in, and that Saturn and Neptune are also traveling this year. March would seem to be a microcosm of 2025.

In Aries, Mercury can bring the tendency to communicate in haste and repent at leisure. Beware of “foot-in-mouth disease” and curb your hasty words. “Think before you act” is another aphorism that comes to mind. Mercury in Pisces is very different, however. Here Mercury is in detriment (because Pisces is opposite in nature to Mercury’s home sign Virgo) and the Communications God struggles to find the right words to express every thought. And Pisces is too foggy for Mercury’s usual logical approach.

Mercury goes retrograde on March 15 at 9º Aries and will be retrograde until April 7, when it turns direct in 26º Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde for 23 days, which is a tad long. On March 24 we have an important milestone, which I call “Lesser Epiphany Day.” This is is when Mercury, while retrograde, conjuncts the Sun. Now, any day that Mercury conjuncts the Sun is a day of intellectual epiphany—and your projects and learning can benefit from it. Lesser Epiphany Day is not as great as Greater Epiphany Day (when Mercury conjuncts the Sun while direct, not retro). However, this day is still super-useful in untangling the messes you may have gotten into since Mercury went retrograde.

Watch for updates to this site’s main Mercury page and a video about 2025’s Mercury Retrogrades, coming soon.


Asteroid Juno, goddess of marriage and committed relationship goes retrograde on March 19, at 1º Sagittarius. Juno will be retrograde for 16 weeks, which is longer than average. Juno’s retrograde span will be from 16º Scorpio to 1º Sagittarius. Therefore, there’s much more of intense, passionate Scorpio about this retrograde period than there is of freewheeling Sagittarius. Check Juno’s main page for timing of this year’s Juno Retrograde and watch for an upcoming video about it, with mention of Venus Retrograde too.

I want to add this, which I said in last month’s Forecast: with both relationship goddesses retrograding at once, this is not the best spring to plan a wedding. If you can postpone till fall, you might want to do it, because baking hesitancy and relationship obstacles into a marriage from the beginning does not bode well, and can be avoided. If your engagement can tolerate waiting until fall, your wedding will be nicer and your marriage both stronger and more enduring.


Ceres reached the end of one cycle and the beginning of another last month on Feb 14th. I call this Financial Epiphany Day, and it’s a time when finances tend to flow along just fine, without getting overly tangled up. Ceres will be in Pisces all month, suggesting we can have spiritual experiences by spending time in natural surroundings. Isn’t it nice to not have to learn lessons about money for a change? I’ll be updating my main Ceres page soon.

Mars Retrograde is done!

Mars went retrograde in Leo on January 6, 2025 and turned direct on February 23. This Mars Retrograde stirred up deep, Cancerian sensitivities and also Leonine aggressiveness. As I said last month, Mars in Leo fuels ambition but can also spark arrogance and frustration, especially for those who have Fixed sign placements. As Mars moves into Cancer, emotions take center stage, making actions feel more reactive and sensitive.

During this Mars Retrograde period, we were challenged to balance drive with introspection, without letting a fiery temper or emotional outburst dictate our choices. Avoid both raging and whining. Navigating this retrograde meant bringing patience, sometimes slowing down to reflect before acting.

Mars Retrograde is not really over until Mars leaves its retrograde span by exiting 6º Leo, which happens on May 3. At that point, all the breakage should resolve.

This Mars Retrograde period ran from 17º Cancer to 6º Leo, so if you have planets in that area, you no doubt felt this transit strongly. Learn more and see the timing of this Mars Retrograde in Pandora’s blogpost / video about it. There you’ll find a diagram with specific dates.
Also see the main Mars page for more about how the Mars cycle works, including birthdates most strongly affected.

Track it all as the year goes forward:

To follow my news videos as they come out, check Pandora’s Astrology News of 2025 playlist on Youtube. This playlist will grow as the year moves forward.

How do March’s planetary movements affect you?

The themes of the monthly astrology forecast affect individual people in individual areas of life according to their own astrology charts. Look here to find out if and how you are affected:  Are You Currently In Transition?

Is your birthday coming up?

If your birthday is coming, you’ll want your annual birthday reading (called a “Solar Return” reading) to happen in the month before your birthday–because your birthday is your Personal New Year. It’s the best time for setting resolutions, intentions and new life-directions. Get yourself in alignment with what your Greater Self wants for you this year, beginning with knowing what the plan is.

Is love coming your way in 2025? Due for a career break?
Find out the details of the changes coming and their very specific timing–
beyond the scope of our monthly astrology forecast
so you can prepare to turn the cosmic tides in your favor!

An astrology reading with Jamie of Pandora Astrology
will answer your questions.



Want to capture the beautiful moon on film? Here’s an article I found about how to photograph the moon on nightskypix.com.

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