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A Deeper Look At Henry VIII’s Chart

By June 23, 2009January 14th, 2023Astrology for Students, Famous Charts

That Time Machine Again
After I returned to my own time, I recalculated Henry’s chart, adding in the modern planets, the ones that can’t be seen with the naked eye.  Henry’s astrologer didn’t know about these, so I may have interesting and fresh insights to give the king.  Once again, I’m setting my time machine for a quick getaway, just in case I say anything untoward.  After all, hindsight is 20/20 and I know what the man is capable of.  I also know I have a big mouth sometimes (being an Aries, myself).

Henry VIII chart 2

What Happens When We Add The Modern Planets?

Yesterday, your highness, I said you are a very vital man.  This is true, but you are also prone to various constitutional weaknesses and ailments that can be mysterious in origin and cure (Neptune square Mars).  You should be certain to get enough sleep and to pay attention to your body’s sensitivities.  Also, the piece I said yesterday about you being uncertain of your virility?  Underline that.  You’re actually a rather sensitive guy and if you don’t feel you can afford to be that way (because you’re king) then you’re in rather a pickle, aren’t you?  Gracious!

Yesterday, sir, I had no idea how you struggle with relationships (Pluto and Neptune both quincunx Venus, forming a yod).  Your fantasies about the ideal woman (Neptune quincunx Venus) interfere with your ability to love a real woman, with all her human flaws.  And your sometimes-compulsive sex drive (Pluto quincunx Venus) make you feel that it’s unfair how much power a beautiful woman can have over you.  You enter the battle of the sexes feeling you have already lost.  This is especially hard on you because you take love quite seriously (Venus trine Saturn) and do, in fact, have a restrained, even prudish, streak (Virgo rising).

You have a lot of genius, but tend to be unstable (Uranus opposed Sun).  You are trying to find the balance between passion (Cancer Sun) and responsibility (Capricorn, which Uranus is in), but you have a strong rebellious streak that causes you to buck any authority but your own (Uranus in Capricorn).  You are likely to act with confidence and fortitude on your rebellious ideas (Mars trine Uranus), ignoring those people who disagree.

Um, Running Away Now!
Ok, he REALLY didn’t like that stuff.  Better run away now.  Be back next time with a look at his chart with the asterioids (Ceres, Pallas-Athene, Juno, Vesta) and Chiron in it.

This article is part 2 in a 4-part series about the astrology chart of Henry VIII of England.
Part 1: The Astrology Of Henry VIII—A Portrait Of Charisma, Charm & Arrogance
Part 2: A Deeper Look At Henry VIII’s Chart
Part 3: What Henry VIII’s Astrology Chart Shows About His Relationships With Women
Part 4: How Henry VIII’s Chart Shows His Glorious Potential


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.