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How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart

These instructions will allow you to find some of the more obscure data,
like your Ascendant degree or positions of Ceres, Pallas Athene,
Juno, Vesta or Chiron, as well as the basic 10 planets.

Before you begin:
Your astrology chart is the go-to map of your life. Your Whole. Entire. Life. It’s worth digging up your accurate birth time for this, because some things in the sky move quickly and can cause a difference in your chart (and therefore your personality) in as short a time as 10 minutes.  The time listed on your birth certificate is usually better than what a relative remembers, so don’t just take your mom’s word for it. Find a written source with a down-to-the-minute-accurate birth time in it. You’ll be glad you did.

No birth time?
If you have no birth time, list noon as the time. Many things about the resulting chart will not be accurate, including your Ascendant (aka Rising sign), your Midheaven and the house placements of all the planets. Your Moon sign may also be off, if you were born on a day when the Moon changed signs.

How to cast your chart on Astro.com:
Use this link to get to the birth data entry window at astro.com: http://bit.ly/makechart

Birth Data Entry

When you get to the part where you enter your birthplace, the box will show you your Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs right away, before you even hit “continue.”

Hit “continue.” This brings you to your chart and also a triangular graph showing aspects in your chart (it’s called an “aspectarian”). Now you have the basic 10 planets, but you don’t have the asteroids.

2 Astro dot com sample chart window

To get the asteroids, next you’ll need to use the Extended Chart Selection option. To do this, mouse around on the words “Free Horoscopes” in the bar at the top of the page and a menu will appear. Choose “Extended Chart Selection” under “Drawings & Calculations” and a new window will open. Here’s what the top of that page looks like:

extended chart selectionYou can leave these settings as they are. At the bottom of the page, you’ll need to change a few small things. Just mark things under “Aspects” and select a few things under “Additional objects” as shown in the image below and hit “click here to show the chart.”

extended chart selection

Now the chart you get has more objects inside it.

Natal Chart

And NOW, when you use the button at the top left of this page, “Additional tables,” you will find that the asteroids appear in it (see image below).

Natal Chart Data SheetThis person has the Sun at 26º of Aquarius (highlighted in yellow), Juno at 15º of Taurus (highlighted in blue) and 11º of Gemini Rising/Ascending (highlighted in purple). The funny-looking symbol circled in red is Capricorn.

You may be wondering about the sign and planet symbols. The symbols can differ from one font to another (as if astrology wasn’t confusing enough already!). Here are two keys to help you:

zodiac symbols A zodiac symbols B

What can you do with this information?
On my blog, there are a lot of things you can do. Here are just a few of the options:
What does your Sun sign mean about your creativity?
What is the rhythm of your Personal Year, according to your Sun sign?
Brief meanings of all the Moon signs are found here: The Moon, Key to Self-Soothing.
What does your Moon sign mean about your emotional life and best forms of self-care for you?
Brief meanings of all the Venus signs are found here: Venus Tells All.
Purchase a 1-hour recording all about YOUR Venus sign
Brief meanings of all the Juno signs are found here: Juno Tells All.
Purchase a 1-hour recording all about YOUR Juno sign
What does your Mars house position mean?
What does your Mercury sign mean about your learning style?
How does your Jupiter sign bring you joy?
What does your Saturn sign say about the Great Work of your lifetime?
What does your Ceres sign say about your relationship with your body, your eating and wealth-building?


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.