“Wake up!” says Uranus. “Are you facing chaos? Lately I’ve turned your life upside down. This year I’m making you an amazing offer: to not only restore the order you used to experience, but to shift your life in a global way so that the…
June’s full moon is also a lunar eclipse, and a complex melting pot of influences it is too. The Capricorn moon likes to keep a lid on all things emotional, while the Cancerian Sun says, “let ‘em rip!” Toss intellectual Mercury and passionate Pluto into…
Jupiter and Uranus are up to something really different this month—the two of them are not only coming into conjunction, but they’re also both moving into Aries. Here’s what it might be like. Uranus and Jupiter are in a tidepool at the edge of the…
“Wake up!” says Neptune. “Recently I showed you that there is more to your life than what can be experienced with the physical senses. I demanded that you look deeper. Now I’m telling you again: it’s time to re-dream your life.” Today Is A Pivotal…
This month, Jupiter and Saturn come into opposition in the sky. Since Jupiter is all about expansion, getting bigger and having confidence in ourselves and Saturn is all about contraction, being emotionally reserved and working hard to earn what we gain in life, you can…
How does Taurus do it? Stay grounded in the midst of chaos, find order in the midst of sanity and be the calm at the center of the storm? And why do Taurus types have such a lock on inner peace? In today’s article, discover…
I just had the pleasure of answering a question that comes up a lot and thought I would share it with you. I found this question here on Facebook. Q: “Why is it that the moment of birth is so important in terms of astrology?…
“Wake up!” says Pluto. “Recently I initiated some part of you into a death-and-rebirth experience. Now I’m telling you again: this is a time of profound change.” Today Is A Pivotal Day When a planet turns retrograde it makes a pivot in the sky and…