Taking Relationships Seriously Venus Retrograde and Juno Direct, both in Capricorn December 2021 - January 2022 Taking Relationships Seriously We’re calling this year’s Venus Retrograde in Capricorn “Taking Relationships Seriously.” That's because we are entering a period of soul-searching, ultimately seeking a deeper sense of...
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Sarah Kirton of MysticMag contacted me for an interview and here are the results. The layout on MysticMag is so pretty that I would rather show you than tell you: If you’ve been following me for some time, you probably already know that my approach…
Sure, astrologers have knowledge of sky events in advance, and they have great advice for other people, but how do astrologers cope with their own transits? We thought you might want to know, so we made two videos on the topic. In Part 1 of...
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Love in the Time of Coronavirus Juno and Venus Retrograde in the Spring of 2020 This spring we’re facing a lot of deep thoughts and changes in our relationships because both Venus (love) and Juno (commitment) are going retrograde in overlapping patterns. Venus and Juno...
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Jupiter and Chiron have met at the Edge of the World. It’s a misty place where the physical world meets the metaphysical one. Some of the passageways you already know about are there, such as the wardrobe that leads to Narnia, Dr. Who’s tardis and...
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What makes Cancer sign types (usually born between June 21-July 22) so lovable? And on the other hand, why is it that so many Cancerians languish in the singles pool while their more glamorous Leo and Gemini friends seem to get all the dates? Cancer...
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(This article is continued from two days ago, so please begin here to join the conversation already in progress . . . ) Astrologers use a combination of personality traits and event-dates to rectify a birth chart. So an astrologer who is about to do...
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(This article is continued from yesterday, so please begin here to join the conversation already in progress . . . ) But patterns (and thus standout traits) are only recognizable when you have the whole picture in front of you to sort through. Doing a...
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You may have heard astrologers talk about “rectification,” describing it as a difficult and mysterious process (which it is), often expensive and certainly time-consuming. Rectification is an intricate process which is particular to astrological work and I thought I’d tell you what it’s all about....
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Saturn and Uranus are still slugging it out in the skies, as they have been since November of 2008. Today, April 26, 2010, is peak 4 of 5 in their ongoing struggle for control. They won’t be done until July this year. Here are some...
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