Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in December 2020, Forming A "Wisdom Hot Degree" The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in mid-December puts a new “hot degree” into place that will last through 2021. This one has a much better feel than the Pandemic Hot Degree of 2020. Jupiter is all about...
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Astrology News for August 2019: Financial Uproar and yet... Growth & Expansion Uranus goes retrograde this month while in Taurus, the sign of finance, yielding shifts and changes in money--not just our own finances, but the very concept of what money is, itself. Meanwhile, Jupiter...
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Astrology News for July 2019: Communication Messes and Angry Outbursts When Mercury goes retrograde, there's a greater likelihood that communications will go awry, office machinery will break down and parts of the internet will drop service temporarily, but when you throw that together with Chiron...
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Hi everyone-- Whew there's a lot of Neptune activity this month! Not only is Neptune going retrograde, but it's also squaring Jupiter and sextiling Saturn. The astrologers of Pandora Astrology explain why we might see mass delusion and how important it is to ground ourselves...
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This year, Jupiter enters into a square with Neptune, which lasts about 9 months and spans 14º to 18º of Mutable signs, affecting those with Sun in Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo everywhere. Neptune is the planet of dreams and visions while Jupiter rules expansion...
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Jupiter transits, especially by trine, tend to feel good and easy—things can flow in your favor, opportunities come easily, and you can also have fun in the process. Chiron transits have a very different feel—they invite you to heal something deeply painful and will sometimes...
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“So I'm back to the velvet underground Back to the floor that I love To a room with some lace and paper flowers Back to the gypsy that I was To the gypsy that I was And you see you're a gypsy You see you're...
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The Lunar Eclipse on August 7 features the Moon in Aquarius, with Mars in Leo bringing up anger, irritability and a tendency to impulsive, possibly warlike, actions and also a dominating feel. Kind of like an overgrown toddler wielding power while in a tantrum! Lunar...
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February’s lunar eclipse involves a self-centered Leo Moon supported in a Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus. These fiery-placed planets are not going to hold the Moon back but the Sun in Aquarius (with help from Jupiter in Libra) has other ideas. The mood is...
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This year, Jupiter enters into an opposition with Uranus, which lasts ten months and spans 20 to 27º of Cardinal signs, affecting those with Sun in Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn everywhere. Uranus brings revolution, revolt, rebellion and large shifts in consciousness, while Jupiter expands...
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March’s New Moon in Pisces is also an eclipse and oh boy is this a complex one! Shadow Agents in attendance include Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Ceres and Juno. The mood is one of new beginnings that emerge from muddy origins. The healing themes present...
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Those born under the sign of the Archer (born between November 22 and December 20) are well known for being the fun-loving, merrymakers of the Zodiac. After all, they are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of Benevolence. But when are you the life of the…
This year, Jupiter meets up with Pluto in a harmonious trine in Earth signs, benefitting those of the Earthy persuasion (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) and also prodding those of the Watery persuasion (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) to become more organized and collected. This transit lasts over 9...
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Jupiter and Uranus sit on top of Mount Olympus, surveying the mortal world below and taking the occasional swig of ambrosia from a chalice they are sharing. It’s a really BIG chalice and sparks are flying off the surface of the liquid. Uranus: You know...
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This Full Moon (also a Lunar Eclipse) suggests a feeling of persecution. “How unfair!” cries the Libran Moon, while Shadow Agents Pluto and Uranus pick on her. How will she learn to stand up for herself? Fortunately, Jupiter in Leo brings confidence and pride. During...
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Do you love a Sagittarius? Are you a Sagittarius in love? Human relationships are complex, layered things. Every sign responds to love differently and has needs that are particular to it. Also no individual can be categorized by their Sun sign alone. Every person is...
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Jupiter and Chiron have met at the Edge of the World. It’s a misty place where the physical world meets the metaphysical one. Some of the passageways you already know about are there, such as the wardrobe that leads to Narnia, Dr. Who’s tardis and...
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Imagine a cozy domestic scene, in a kitchen filled with good smells. Jupiter (a large matronly lady with an infectious warmth) is whipping up something nice at the stove while Saturn (a stern-looking but determined fellow with a beaky nose) gathers tools for a construction...
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You probably know that you go through big transitions at times when the outer planets in our solar system trigger something in your chart. Those planets are Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter. As the fastest of the outer planets, Jupiter moves at a...
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This year going with the flow brings success and fun: Astrologers are very good at making dire predictions—but what use is that unless they can also tell you when is the BEST time to pursue new ventures? I’m just the astrologer to let you know…