Ceres Enters Capricorn, February 2024: Belief in Hard Work Ceres, the patron goddess of plenty, security, and the physical world, enters Capricorn February 7, 2024. She will remain in Capricorn until December 7, 2024. Ceres has been in Sagittarius (her sign of exaltation) since November….

Pluto Enters Aquarius, January 2024: Transforming Democracy Pluto enters Aquarius this month, January 2024. 2023 brought some major shifts to us humans on Earth. Probably the biggest of these changes involved Pluto, the lord of the underworld. Last year, Pluto left Capricorn, where it had…
Where would we be without the Capricorns of the world? Half goat, half sea creature (and all workhorse!), those born between December 21 and January 20 know how to roll up their sleeves and get down to business. But when are you being ambitious, or…
If you want to find the trash and the treasure in the zodiac, all you have to do is count by eights. Each sign looks 8 signs forward to the sign it treasures. Each sign also looks 8 signs behind itself to the sign it…
This year going with the flow brings success and fun: Astrologers are very good at making dire predictions—but what use is that unless they can also tell you when is the BEST time to pursue new ventures? I’m just the astrologer to let you know…
Success, thy name is Saturn. Yet Saturn is such a boogeyman, an object of terror for astrologers, their clients and those of the general public who understand what Saturn demands of us. Feeling trapped? Guilty? Obligated? Pressure to perform? Blame Saturn. Then roll up your…
This eclipse falls in the sign of Capricorn, which means it shows us our shadow in the area of career. We see our shadows when we are deeply immersed in career-building, ambition or neglecting ourselves for a long-term goal. Some aspect of our work can…
Why does it seem that Capricorns live life backwards? Strong Capricorn types have a tendency to act like little old men and women when they are children, and to only allow themselves to express their inner child when they are almost too old to enjoy…