Aries, this post is all about you, which must mean that I have your full attention! Your sign is the hard-headed ram (born between March 22 and April 20) and like a ram, you literally plunge head-first into life. You’re a natural leader, and the…
This is a jarring eclipse—its strongest planetary connection is a quincunx to Uranus in Aries. It’s not as if a Moon in Virgo could relax anyway (such a worrywart!), but adding in the agitation and anxiety of Uranus practically guarantees a tendency to be unsettled…

If you want to find the trash and the treasure in the zodiac, all you have to do is count by eights. Each sign looks 8 signs forward to the sign it treasures. Each sign also looks 8 signs behind itself to the sign it…
Jupiter and Uranus are up to something really different this month—the two of them are not only coming into conjunction, but they’re also both moving into Aries. Here’s what it might be like. Uranus and Jupiter are in a tidepool at the edge of the…