This is part of a series of articles, beginning here: Venus Goes Retrograde: The Tale of Eros and Psyche Aphrodite has another task for Psyche. This time, she is to fill a crystal goblet from the Fountain of Forgetfulness and return with it to the…
Friday, October 8 through Thursday, November 18, 2010 What Is Venus Retrograde? When Venus goes retrograde, she takes our hand and pulls us into the darkness of our relationships. A retrograde period of any planet is a retrospective of that planet’s themes. It is like…
I’m not one of those doom-saying astrologers. I won’t rant about how the world’s going to end in 2012 (or any other year). But Saturn square Pluto is starting this month and going through August of 2010 and it’s serious. It really is heavy. And…
Remember that old TV show “The Odd Couple,” with Oscar and Felix, two bachelors living together in the 70’s? When we think of Virgo, we may well think of Felix. It’s easy to imagine that Felix is a Virgo type, because he’s so fastidious. After…
In my travels through life as an astrologer I have found that Virgo is the sign most people would rather not be. “What? I have Virgo rising? No!” “You mean I’m not really a Libra, I’m actually a Virgo? I didn’t want that.” “Virgo is…
From May of 2009 to November of 2010, Neptune and Chiron are dancing in & out of conjunction with each other. They came within kissing distance of a conjunction on May 30, 2009 and will again on November 6, 2010. Their only true (exact) conjunction…
Jupiter & Chiron have been moving in and out of conjunction (i.e. so close they could be holding hands) in 2009, bringing up some interesting possibilities for healing & growth. They connected the first time this year on May 23rd, the second time on July…