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New Moon in Sagittarius, December 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius, December 2023:

Temper Dreams with Realism

The December New Moon in Sagittarius occurs at 20º Sagittarius on December 12 , 3:32 PM Pacific time. Interestingly, this New Moon bears similarity to the energy of a Full Moon, because it features an opposition between Juno in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. The New Moon in Sagittarius acts as a mediator, forming a T-square.

New Moon in Sagittarius: The Seeds of Unbridled Expansion

The Sun and Moon are conjunct in Sagittarius. New Moons are times of planting new seeds, of incubating new ideas, and setting new intentions. We’ll be planting these new seeds in Sagittarian ways. Consequently, we may find ourselves deeply inspired by idealism, philosophy, and the desire to explore new terrain. Therefore, by seeing the forest rather than the trees, we are able to align ourselves with the direction of growth and learning.

So our powers of expansion will be at their peak during the December New Moon. We find ourselves filled with the positivity, confidence and enthusiasm to try new things. We can effectively channel this energy by reading, traveling, exploring new ideas, exploring our spiritual beliefs, learning something new, and expanding our opinions. However, we must watch out for dogmatism, exaggeration, and not listening to others’ perspectives.

New Moon in Sagittarius: Realism versus Idealism

The New Moon squares both Juno in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, forming a tense T-square. Thus, the Sun and Moon must mediate the argument of Juno and Neptune. Often, oppositions tend to play out in our relationships, and Juno’s involvement emphasizes this relational theme. We may find ourselves in a tug-of-war between Juno and Neptune. Juno in Virgo wants to help, but can easily veer into relentless criticism. So when you feel the tug of Juno, try converting that criticism into skilled problem solving. Meanwhile, Neptune is pulling to keep the mood romantic, a blurry, rose-tinted picture. Neptune may tug you into molding yourself to fit your partner’s ideal image, even at the cost of your own authenticity. You’ll have to find your way between these two extremes. 

Positively, Neptune’s involvement provides harmonious energy towards visualization and imagination, allowing us to effortlessly achieve our dreams, and to provide endless compassion towards our friends and partners. Likewise, Juno in Virgo provides a much needed determination to improve, along with a realistic, grounded, and analytical approach to problems. Without one, the other is ineffective and together they provide a balance. During the December New Moon, we may find ourselves locked in a battle between working hard to improve things, versus sweeping problems under the rug for the sake of peace. Depending on our individual charts, we can find ourselves identifying with either one of these poles of expression.

New Moon in Sagittarius, December 12 2023, 3:32 PM PTNew Moon in Sagittarius Dec 2023 Pandora Astrology

Planting Seeds for Grounded Relationships

Typically, New Moons are moments of new beginnings and incubating new ideas. While the New Moon is in Sagittarius, we can make our seedling dreams more realistic, while still being able to promote an environment of empathy and understanding. In fact, Sagittarius, can show us the way forward in balancing between the idealism and escapism of Neptune in Pisces, and the criticism and perfectionism of Juno in Virgo. In other words, we can do this by seeing the bigger picture, and establishing an ethical code that we can agree on with others as a benevolent standard of operating.

For example, we can ask ourselves: What is the line between criticism and realism? How can we use compassion to melt defensiveness? What can we do to work to improve while avoiding the pitfalls of perfectionism? How can our shared beliefs with our partners bind us together as we work through our problems with each other?

Understanding the New Moon’s impact on your Natal Chart
incredibly useful for help in envisioning new goals
and new beginnings in our lives.

To learn how this month’s New Moon in Sagittarius
aspects your chart
and how to use it to your advantage,
contact Pandora Astrology for a Natal and Transits Reading.

Does the December New Moon Affect Me?

If you have a planet in your chart placed between 15º and 25º of a Mutable sign, you’ll feel this December New Moon very personally.

This is also true if your birthday falls in any of the following date spans:

March 5 to 15
June 5 to 15
September 7 to 17
December 7 to 17

Go Deeper

If you are curious to learn more, a professional reading is the best way to get tailored information to your chart. To learn how this December New Moon functions in your chart and how to use the lunar cycle to your advantage, contact Pandora Astrology for a Natal and Transits Reading.

Or try casting your own chart and looking at it yourself.

Fran Xin Yi

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