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Neptune and Saturn Launch A Bubble of Useful Magic Energy

This transit runs from October of 2012 to July of 2013

Saturn is hanging around on top of Mount Olympus, when he comes upon Neptune, who is playing with magic energy.  She is casting swirls of sparkles into the air, launching comets of light and beauty, and creating distant explosions of delicious loveliness. 

Saturn:  That’s very nice stuff you’re doing there.
Neptune:  Why thank you.  It’s my specialty.
Saturn:  But it could be improved.
Neptune:  How is that?
Saturn:  By making it physical.  Here try this–
Saturn produces a paintbrush and a palette, loaded with colors, and a large canvas, already stretched.  Neptune picks up the brush and dabs it into the paint, swirls color onto the canvas.  The results are lovely.
Neptune:  Wow, this is good stuff.  What is this?
Saturn:  They make it on Earth.  It’s called paint.
Neptune:  Oh yes, Earth, I’ve been trying to get there for ages.  Human beings never listen to me.  I’d kind of stopped paying attention.  Where is it again?
Saturn points down to a very dark area below the rarified atmosphere of Mount Olympus.  They gaze at Earth, a sphere of darkness and tears.  The cries of humanity are audible.
Neptune:  Why do they have to suffer?
Saturn:  Because they’re in the material world.
Neptune:  That doesn’t look very appealing.
Saturn:  Not for someone as idealistic as you, but for me it’s a wonderland of possibility.
It’s a super-dense plane where you can build stuff.  When you build it, it stays for a pretty long time.
Neptune:  What, a couple hundred years?  Not very impressive.
Saturn: Not by our standards maybe, but by human standards, yes, impressive.
Neptune:  There’s a catch, though.  Sure, you can build things, but you have to deal with a lot of limitations, restrictions and (ugh!) hard work while you’re doing it.
Saturn:  That’s true.  It takes ambition to build things and ambition is built on fear.  If people don’t know they have limitations, why would they work to overcome them?  I remind them of those limitations, and the strong people rise to the top.
Neptune:  That’s harsh.  My contribution is different.  I provide a dream-world people can retreat to.  It’s a gentle place where the artists can find solace and fuel their imaginations.
Saturn:  Sounds like a haven for lazy people.
Neptune:  I find physical existence inherently repellant.  My dreams and visions can’t stand the weight of gravity.  They are crushed by it.
Saturn:  I understand.  You and I have very different priorities.  I like the crushing weight of physical existence and I thrive off the necessity for hard work and the opportunity to shape the material world.
Neptune:  Whereas I am uninterested in all things material—they just make me feel trapped and I’d rather exist in the non-physical, where things happen instantly, with just a thought.  We do have one important thing in common, though, and that’s a desire to make things different than they are.  I like to imagine how things could be different, more ideal.
Saturn:  While I like to work to build something better.  And what wonderful things we could accomplish together, if you were willing to allow your dreams to be infected by gross materialism and I were willing to allow my material world to be permeated by lazy, ineffective and purposeless dreams.  If we work together, we could do some very nice things for those people down there.
Neptune:  Point well taken.  Ok, what do we have to do?
Saturn:  Let’s try this, for starters. . .
He reaches out into the air and grabs some of the magic, colored energy Neptune has left there.  With a swift gesture, he shapes it into a block, which immediately turns a dark color and crashes to the ground.  Neptune blows on it, until it assumes a rounder shape and gently lifts off the ground.  It is now a beautiful, iridescent bubble with shape, texture, weight and beauty.
Neptune:  Wow, that’s actually quite nice.
Saturn:  Yes it is.  Now we just need a Human Being to deliver it to Earth.
Neptune snaps her fingers.  A Human Being appears, looking confused and disoriented.
Neptune:  You wouldn’t happen to be an artist, would you?  A visionary, a dreamer, something like that?
Human Being:  Well, yes, I suppose I am.
Neptune:  We’ve got something very nice just for you.  It’s a lovely dream. . .
Saturn:  . . .  that you can make real!  It’s a goal. . .
Neptune:  . . . inspired with true vision!
Dazedly, the Human Being allows the bubble to settle on his open palm.  Saturn snaps his fingers and the Human Being disappears.  
Neptune: (giggling) Whatever are they going to do with this?
Saturn:  I have no idea.  But it will do credit to us both.  Let’s make more!
They busy themselves at making a huge variety of the bubbles and wafting them down to Earth, where they burst over the heads of a couple million creative people.  

Are you one of the creative people who is getting a download of useful visions this year?  Saturn and Neptune are cooperating to make it easy for you.  This lovely trine between them began in October of 2012 and ends next month in July of 2013.  This means that business ideas that come from intuitive sources can be turned into dreams-come-true.  Now is the time to start or develop a business with heart.  Better take advantage of the possibilities now, while you can!


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.