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Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2022-2023

By December 20, 2022January 17th, 2023Uncategorized

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2022-2023

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn
December 29, 2022 to January 7, 2023
from 24º to 8º Capricorn
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2022-2023 To learn how Mercury functions in your chart
and how to use the retrograde cycle to your advantage,
Contact Pandora Astrology for a Natal and Transits Reading.

If you prefer to learn independently
about Mercury’s placement in your chart,
draw up your natal chart here and get cracking!

What does Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn it mean? 

The final Mercury Retrograde of the year of 2022, and it continues into early 2023. This Mercury Retrograde cycle occurs solely in earth, kicking off the next cycle of Mercury Retrogrades in earth signs. You may find that it feels similar to the first retrograde of the year, when Mercury retrograded from Aquarius into Capricorn.

However, this time our pure dive into Earth asks us to reflect on just how impactful words or communication can be. In other words, communication can affect the real, material areas of our lives: namely, that of career and reputation.  

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn: Defending your Reputation 

When Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, prepare for gossip or rumors in the sector of work and career. Mercury retrograde periods mark times when you need to be more aware of your communication. In other words, you may find yourself needing to set the record straight in some way or defend your reputation.

A reputation is an example of something theoretical (Air) that has a very real impact on your material status (Earth). Therefore, be careful with the words you use with authority. Consider what sort of reputation you desire to build and maintain and how to support that with your communications. 

Saturn, Capricorn and Authority Issues 

Saturn-ruled Capricorn also represents disciplinary and authority figures, as well as the government. Thus, political figures will have to be very careful with the messages and communications they put out during this period. Be prepared to witness controversy in this area, as well as some frantic backpedaling on public statements.

We may find it difficult to trust the words and information given by those in authority, on both a governmental level and on a local level. We may need to wait until Mercury is direct again for any uncertainty to clear. At this point, confidence in authority can be reestablished.  

Return to the main Mercury Retrograde page

Fran Xin Yi

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