What is Mars Retrograde 2024?
In 2024, Mars goes retrograde in the signs of Leo and Cancer. Mars goes retrograde every two years, prompting a shift in energy that can deeply influence our lives. Mars, the planet of action, drive, and determination, represents our inner warrior. It embodies willpower, ambition, and the desire to assert ourselves. While Mars is retrograde, we more easily encounter blocks and obstacles. We can experience a build-up of frustration to the point of anger and even rage. This compels us to reflect on past actions, and forces us to recalibrate and rethink our approach to challenges. During this period we’re more likely to indulge in irritation and impulsivity, presenting both obstacles and opportunities for growth as we’re faced with the consequences of our actions, drives, decisions and motivations. Sound fun, right? No, not really.
Timing of Mars Retrograde 2024
The retrograde begins on December 6, 2024, at 6 degrees of Leo and extends until February 23, 2025, when Mars turns direct at 17 degrees of Cancer. This span is particularly significant for those with placements or birthdays in the Cardinal signs of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries—and also the Fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. These are the signs that will feel the irritation and forcefulness of Mars the most. See the diagram below for timing of this year’s Mars Retrograde period.
What Does Mars Retrograde In Leo Feel Like?
Mars in Leo is brimful of fiery ambition and has a dominating feel to it, making this period prone to heightened assertiveness and even arrogance. If you already lean that way, beware of becoming something of a jerk and alienating those who care about you. Mars in Leo could be ragey for sure, so you might need to tone down the incendiary speech and action—especially if you do have planets in your chart in the Fixed sign span of this transit. That means if you have anything at all in your chart placed in 0 to 6º of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus. If you do, this transit might really spark your temper and ignite your stubbornness.
What Does Mars Retrograde In Cancer Feel Like?
As Mars retrogrades into Cancer, the focus shifts to emotions, nurturing, and introspection. Cancer’s water element challenges Mars’ natural inclination for direct action, often leading to heightened sensitivity and the need for emotional release before decisive action can be taken. In other words, you might need to cry it out before you can act. You might also act like a whiny baby at times during this transit. Knowing beforehand that this kind of mood is normal during Mars Retrograde in Cancer is half the battle. This kind of response is more likely if you have anything at all in your chart in the Cardinal span of this transit, which means 17º to 29º of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or Aries. Don’t let the Fixed sign folks who are having this transit run you over!
Who Can Benefit From This Transit?
For some signs, this retrograde offers a harmonious influence. Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, and Taurus, among others, may find Mars bestowing motivation and clarity upon them through harmonious aspects, such as trines and sextiles. This would include you if you have anything in your chart at 17 – 29º of Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo or Taurus. It would also include you if you have anything in your chart at 0 – 6º of Libra, Sagittarius, Aries or Gemini.
How To Handle This Transit
The key to navigating Mars retrograde is balance: channel frustration into constructive action, honor your emotions, and reflect on your choices. Get into alignment with your core values. Whether you’re roaring like Leo or retreating into the nurturing depths of Cancer, this retrograde invites us all to recalibrate our inner warrior. Thus we can emerge stronger and more centered by the time Mars resumes its forward journey.
Here’s our video about it:
Does Mars Retrograde Affect Me?
If you have a planet in your chart placed between 17º and 29º of a Cardinal sign or 0º to 6º of a Fixed sign, you’ll feel this transit very personally.
Additionally, his transit will strongly affect you if your birthday falls in any of the following date spans:
July 8 to 29
October 10 to 29
January 7 to 26
April 6 to 26
And watch the video above for special birthdates that may actually benefit from this Mars Retrograde transit.
Want to get the most out of this transit?
If Mars is affecting you personally during this transit, you might want to understand its impact on your vitality, drive and assertion more deeply. Book a Natal and Transits Reading with Jamie of Pandora Astrology to learn best ways for you to respond.
Or, try casting your own chart and analyzing Mars’ movement through your chart yourself.
Go Deeper
See Mars’ movement and important dates while retrograde.
And here’s our Monthly Forecast.