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Lunar Eclipse in Libra, March 2024

By February 28, 2024August 29th, 2024Eclipse posts, Full Moon, Signs: Libra

The Need For Peace Versus The Call Of Battle: The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra occurs at 5º on March 24, 2024, 12:00 AM PT. This month, the March Full Moon is an intense Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Moreover, all recent Eclipses have moved out of the Nodal axis in Taurus and Scorpio. Our transition into the Aries/Libra Nodal Axis marks our collective need for independence and honesty. Simultaneously, we are asked to release people-pleasing habits and attachment to superficial peace.

March Lunar Eclipse in Libra

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra is conjunct the Libra South Node, pulling us towards unhealthy ways of relating to others. For example, we tend to keep the peace at all costs. Alternatively, we may be afraid of not being liked. During this March Eclipse, we are caught between the diplomacy of Libra and the honesty of Aries.

Lunar Eclipses: The Astronomical and Psychological Shadow

This Lunar Eclipse in Libra is also a Full Moon. In fact, every Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. Therefore, the Moon’s light is significantly dimmed, and bathed in a reddish hue. This is the core metaphor of eclipses: the emergence of “shadow material,” as Carl Jung might call it. A Lunar Eclipse in particular will focus on our emotions. Thus, a Lunar Eclipse shows us our shadow by our emotional experiences and reactions. Conversely, a Solar Eclipse plays out in our behavior.

This March Full Moon is in Libra, a very social sign. As a result, the emotions we express during this eclipse are shadowy social emotions. For example, emotions surrounding the avoidance of conflict and the desire for peace. Or, emotions about the fear of loneliness, or prioritizing what other people think over your own thoughts. At her most extreme, Libra can feel emotionally remote or distant.

March Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Wisdom and Objectivity

Full Moons are by definition polarized. They are formed by an opposition between the Sun and the Moon, and this March Full Moon is no different. However, aside from this baseline opposition, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra features more harmony than conflict. In fact, aspects to Pallas Athene and Pluto form a pattern known as a Cradle.

A Cradle is a very supportive pattern, as two planets form easy aspects to the Sun and Moon. In this case, Pallas Athene and Pluto. Therefore, both Pallas Athene and Pluto offer outlets for creative problem solving.

Pallas Athene in Sagittarius: Philosophical Wisdom

Pallas Athene in Sagittarius trines the Sun in Aries, and sextiles the Moon in Libra. Therefore, she can solve the conflict between selfishness and dependence. Pallas Athene is a feminine warrior archetype. She teaches you to be assertive. Additionally, she shows you how to combine masculinity and femininity through intuitive intellect.

In Sagittarius, Pallas Athene values freedom, not simply because, as Aries does, but in the service of growth. Libra appreciates and understands this reasoning. Additionally, Pallas in Sagittarius’ wide angle, philosophical view gives her the ability to see beyond her narrow, individual perspective. Consequently, this helps build a bridge between Libra’s need for cooperation and Aries’ need for autonomy.

While Pallas Athene’s involvement offers a creative solution, she can also offer an escape. Therefore, during the March Full Moon in Libra, you should avoid using political reasoning to justify your personal opinions.

Pluto in Aquarius: Fighting for Humanity

Meanwhile, Pluto in Aquarius trines the Moon in Libra, and sextiles the Sun in Aries. Pluto also offers us an outlet to the conflict between selfishness and the need for justice. Specifically, Pluto is here to transform our approach to the collective. In other words, he shows us how to use our vital energy for transformation, and to do so in the spirit of the greater good.

In Aquarius, Pluto fights for humanitarian ideals, combining Aries’ need to fight and Libra’s interest in equality and justice. Moreover, Pluto in Aquarius’ interest elevates the individual impulse for survival to serve humanity’s greater interests. While Pluto’s involvement offers a creative solution, he can also offer an escape. During this March Full Moon, you should, therefore, avoid using philosophical frameworks to justify bulldozing over the needs of others.

Watch our video to learn more about how this March Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will impact you. Additionally, learn how to use its potential for release to move towards a deeper relationship with yourself, with the wonderful side effect of improving your relationships with others.

Details about this Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Date: March 25, 2024
Time: 12:00 AM Pacific Time
Type: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Visible in: Much of Europe, North/East Asia, Much of Australia, Much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctica.
At: 5º Libra
Nodal Orientation: the eclipsed Moon conjunct South Node creates a Releasing Nodal orientation
Shadow Agents: Pallas Athene, Pluto

March Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2024

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Does the Lunar Eclipse in Libra affect you personally?

Not every eclipse touches everyone, but when it does, it’s usually noticeable. If your birthday is on any of the following dates (in any year at all), you will experience this March Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in a personal way:

March 20 to 30
June 21 to July 1

September 22 to October 3
December 21 to 31

Likewise, if you have a planet in your chart placed between 0º and 10º degrees of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), you’ll feel this Moon.

Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Seeing our Shadow in our Inner World

Remember, a Lunar Eclipse is likely to bring up marked internal, emotional events. (Conversely, a Solar Eclipse is likely to to be experienced externally and in our actions.) Therefore, the key to working with Lunar Eclipses is to keep an eye out for how we reacting to our shadow on an emotional level. We need to watch our emotions and our dreams to understand the content of our shadow.

You may notice internal events occurring within the week surrounding the March Full Moon (up to a few days before or after). On top of that, you may notice the reverberations of the Full Moon Eclipse for several months after its occurrence.

Go Deeper

Are you really feeling this March Full Moon Lunar Eclipse? Understanding how eclipses affect your own chart can help you to discover why and find out the best ways to respond to it. The best way to learn is in a Natal and Transits reading with one of our astrologers.

This March Full Moon Lunar Eclipse the only Eclipse happening this month. Find out more about current Solar and Lunar Eclipses here.

For more of this month’s news, check out our March 2024 videos playlist on our YouTube channel.

Fran Xin Yi