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Juno Retrograde in Virgo 2024

By January 10, 2024April 28th, 2024Juno, Signs: Virgo

Juno Retrograde 2024: specifically, Juno Retrograde in Virgo. The asteroid of partnership stations retrograde in exacting Virgo at 21º on January 12, 2024. Juno goes retrograde for 10 to 17 weeks each year.

What is a Juno transit like?

Juno is an asteroid that rules commitment, as well as the qualities that it takes to maintain a healthy, functional partnership (of any kind). Qualities such as, for example, social skills, loyalty, networking abilities and a balance of give and take. Additionally, Juno’s status as patron of relationships denotes themes of marriage, power balance/imbalances, status, and issues of feminism. Furthermore, Juno was the queen of Mount Olympus, and was considered to be the highest Roman Goddess.

During a Juno transit, you become focused on your partnerships. Additionally, issues crop up in your partnerships. Juno transits help us to understand ourselves in relation to a significant other. Under the watchful eye of Juno Retrograde, you can learn how to better work with others and improve your relationships–of all kinds. In fact, you can improve your personal relationships, such as ones with someone you are dating, married to or someone who is old bestie. On the work front, you can improve your connections to colleagues and teams you manage or network yourself into a more essential position in the company you work for.

When Juno goes retrograde

When Juno goes retrograde, you will enter into a period of deep reflection. Once Juno is retrograde, you will contemplate the dynamics of your most committed and important partnerships. These are the partnerships that give spine and backbone to your social life. Additionally, you may question your habitual role as a partner, and how you share power with others.

While Juno is retrograde, you are likely to experience key events that trigger a realization of your deep need for equality and loyalty–especially if it’s your marriage that’s under the microscope. What Juno seeks is fulfillment through partnership and collaboration. Essentially, Juno asks us to work with others and to find power and sovereignty without being an island.

During a Juno Retrograde, you may feel dissatisfied and irritable in your relationships. Suddenly, your habitual ways of relating to others are called into question. This is especially true of the people you are strongly bound to in a contractual way. Perhaps you need to rediscover where true love and friendship meet the contractual elements of partnership.

During this period of self-inquiry, you can work hard on your relationship problems. In fact, maybe you’ll find that your relationships have reached their end point and are no longer sustainable. As with all retrogrades, the more introspective your approach, the more easily you can benefit from this transit. Ultimately, this transit will deepen your understanding of your collaborations with others.

Juno Retrograde 2024: Qualities of Virgo

The last time Juno went retrograde in 2022, she did so in dreamy, spiritual Pisces. Now, she prepares to go retrograde in precise, sharp Virgo. Virgo is the sixth sign in the zodiac. Virgo represents our need to apply our intelligence practically, to know how things work, to solve problems, and to be of service. Furthermore, Virgo is all about dedication: to craft, to service, to work. It is a sign of purity, of finding your way to a state of holistic health and organization.

The ruler of Virgo is Mercury, a planet that rules two signs. Mercury represents our minds, communication, learning, and intelligence, especially as ruler of Gemini. However, as ruler of Earth sign Virgo, Mercury is the Artisan, the Shaper, the Maker. In Virgo, Mercury works with his hands. Thus, is about both and this planet guides us to integrate our minds with our bodies. Virgo desires clarity, and can sometimes see many edges, boxes, and categories as a result.

Juno Retrograde 2024: What does it mean when Juno is in Virgo?

Juno’s transit through Virgo may cause you to seek perfection in your relationships. When Juno is in Virgo, it’s hard to not see your partner’s flaws and you may even hyper-focus on them. While this may happen in an effort to improve your relationship, you may inadvertently bring more negativity into the relationship. You may also feel overly responsible for your partner’s path to self-improvement. In fact, you may believe you know exactly what is wrong with them and the best way to fix it. You may become critical or judgmental toward your partner.

While Juno seeks equality and sovereignty in her relationships, Virgo tends towards a state of imbalance. Virgo seeks to serve, but feels uncomfortable receiving. This has to do with a deep need to feel in control. Virgo’s capability and know-how help her feel that she is in control.

On the other hand, Virgo’s devotion is congruent with Juno’s theme of commitment. Juno retrograde in Virgo demonstrates that she is willing to work very hard to improve a relationship.

Juno Retrograde in Virgo: Perfectionism and Communication

Under the influence of Juno Retrograde in Virgo, we begin to see the effect of perfectionism on our relationships. Furthermore, we see the effect of our high expectations when projected onto those we love. However, during Juno Retrograde in Virgo, we may lose sight of what works well. Inadvertently, we may compulsively look for the things that aren’t working. We may look at our partner as the source of the relationship’s problems, or we may look at ourselves.

During Juno Retrograde in Virgo, many questions can pop up. For example: How are my boundaries control mechanisms? What is the reason that I want my partner to improve? Am I working as hard on myself as I ask my partner to?

Am I taking adequate care of myself before I take care of my partner? What do I get out of giving? How can I achieve more balance, equality, and acceptance in my partnerships? How can I achieve more mindfulness, clarity, and responsibility in my partnerships?

Over the course of Juno Retrograde in Virgo, we will examine inequality, service, the sharing of daily life and tasks, and how our words and thoughts take concrete form in the context of our relationships.

Juno Retrograde in Virgo, 2023-2024 Full Cycle

Juno Retrograde 2024, Juno Retrograde in Virgo

Juno Retrograde in Virgo 2024

If you’d like to find out whether
you’re having a Juno transit this year,
and you want to thrive with it,
Contact Pandora Astrology for a reading.

Otherwise, try casting your chart and analyzing it yourself.

Time Span of Juno Retrograde 2024

Juno will be retrograde in Virgo from January 12, 2024 to April 21, 2024.

How Does Juno Retrograde 2024 Affect You Personally?

This year, Juno will travel backwards from 21° all the way to 6° of Virgo. Most significantly, Juno’s mission of partnership, sovereignty, and shared power will significantly touch any natal planets you have in 6°-21° of Virgo.

Moreover, Juno will also affect any planet in your chart in 6°-21° of the other three Mutable signs: Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Lastly, if you were born on any of the following days, Juno Retrograde in Virgo will affect you very personally:

February 25 to March 11
May 26 to June 11
August 28 to September 13
November 27 to December 13

Go Deeper

Read the other blogpost about 2024’s Juno Retrograde in Virgo: Juno Retrograde Opposite Sun, March 2024
If you want to learn about Juno’s rhythm this year, see: This Year’s Juno Retrograde.
Additionally, if you want to know about this month’s sky events, see our Monthly Forecast.

2022 Juno activity:
Rapturous Relating: Juno Direct and Venus Conjunct Sun (Oct 2022)
Relationship Retrospection: Mercury and Juno Retrograde (Sept 2022)
Juno Retrograde in Pisces (July 2022, this is where it all began!)

Fran Xin Yi