Jupiter went direct last week on January 30. It does this every year and when it does, we Earthlings tend to feel a sense of adventure swelling in our hearts. Jupiter brings good things, and, after several months in retrograde, he’s on the move again….
You may have seen my blogposts about Chiron and wondered “What the heck is that?” Chiron is not something they teach about much in grade school when you learned the planets of our solar system, but it is a member of the planetary pack. Not…
This year I’ve had the wonderful fortune to find two excellent interns. They will be doing a Pandora blogpost each month to talk about their experiences and learning. Here’s the first from Sara: Hello Pandora Astrology readers! I’m Sara, one of Jamie’s new assistants. I…
January 10, 2013 Human Being is praying aloud. Human Being: I feel so lost. Why will no god hear me? Jupiter: We hear you. Chiron: We are here for you. Jupiter: We noticed that you’ve lost something. Human: Indeed I have. I’ve lost my wisdom. …
I just saw Lincoln last night—it’s the portrait of an irascible, progressive man at the very height of his powers, in just one crucial month near the end of his life. To find out more about who he was and what he was doing, I…
Uranus goes direct today, as it does every year. If you feel that things have descended into chaos in the last few months, change is afoot and clarity may be right around the corner. . . (read about it)
As the scene opens, we see a Human walking through dreary countryside, carrying heavy burdens. Saturn and Chiron show up on the scene. They talk with each other. Saturn: I see you showed up to help. Chiron: Yes, of course. A Human is in pain…
A solar eclipse in Scorpio is bound to be intense. How do we cope? Fortunately Pallas Athene assists with a helpful trine from Pisces. Details About This Eclipse Date: November 13, 2012 Time of eclipse: 2:08 PM PST Type: Total (strong in intensity) Visible in: …
This year Neptune goes direct on November 10, 2012 Neptune has spent the last few months (since June 4) traveling backwards. Today she turns her face forward and re-covers the same ground. Why should it matter to you? If she’s passing through a zone where…
Our old friend Pluto turns direct again on Monday, September 17, and he’s bringing to a close this year’s underworld journey by showing up, right on schedule, to take out the garbage. Pluto has traveled several degrees backwards and today turns his face forwards again. …
We find Chiron and Pluto in a dark cave, by an underground pool that glows with a magical light. Chiron appears as a gentle, matronly woman with a kind face, dressed in green, flowing robes. Pluto is dressed in flowing magenta robes and is wearing…

This teleclass is happening on November 8, 2012 and February 7, 2013 * * * * * This page isn’t up yet, but it will be soon. If you don’t even need to read the page to know you want this teleclass, just email me…

This teleclass is happening on October 11, 2012 and January 10, 2013 * * * * * This page isn’t up yet, but it will be soon. If you don’t even need to read the page to know you want this teleclass, just email me…

Being a parent is an opportunity to feel love for another person that’s deeper and more selfless than you’ve ever felt before. It’s the hardest unpaid job in existence, yet many say also the most rewarding. What if you came to child-rearing prepared? What if…
The Four Astrologies Recently, someone asked me the precession question. It is one of about four questions I hear over and over again from people who are curious about astrology despite having been taught to be skeptical of it. I have already answered it here…