Friday, October 8 through Thursday, November 18, 2010 What Is Venus Retrograde? When Venus goes retrograde, she takes our hand and pulls us into the darkness of our relationships. A retrograde period of any planet is a retrospective of that planet’s themes. It is like…
“Wake up!” says Jupiter. “Recently I initiated you into a big-time growth experience. Now I’m telling you again: it’s time to expand.” Today Is A Pivotal Day When a planet turns retrograde it makes a pivot in the sky and also creates a metaphorically “pivotal”…
The planet Saturn is about to change signs. This momentous event happens only every 2 and a half years. You’ve probably read about Saturn on my blog before. You probably already know that he represents the archetypal Father principle. Saturn rules the following things (and…
I want to take a moment to bid a fond farewell to Saturn in Virgo. I don’t usually say a valediction to a planet departing a sign, because I’m usually too busy heralding its entry into the next sign at exactly the time when you,…
“Wake up!” says Uranus. “Are you facing chaos? Lately I’ve turned your life upside down. This year I’m making you an amazing offer: to not only restore the order you used to experience, but to shift your life in a global way so that the…
June’s full moon is also a lunar eclipse, and a complex melting pot of influences it is too. The Capricorn moon likes to keep a lid on all things emotional, while the Cancerian Sun says, “let ‘em rip!” Toss intellectual Mercury and passionate Pluto into…