The Taurus side of us needs to explore appetite, but in a balanced way. The temptation for Taurus is to glut oneself but Taurus does best when avoiding overindulgence and instead finding the middle road between excess and restraint. Feed Your Senses, Yes . ….
You may wonder why, in this whole website, I never use the word “astrologist.” There’s a reason for that, but before writing this blogpost, even I didn’t know what it was. Excuse me—I’m going to get a wee bit ranty now. In 2007, I noticed…
1. Taureans, Honor Your Slowness Why should the Taurus in you stop and smell the roses? One of the best things a Taurean type can do for himself in this ridiculously fast-paced world is to slow down and re-center on a regular basis. In a…
Every month I’ve been writing about the personality traits associated with the current sun sign. You may wonder why I bother to use the phrase “sign type” instead of just saying “sign.” If what I mean is Pisces, why don’t I just say Pisces instead…
Barack Obama is currently experiencing an interesting transit. A transit is a movement of a planet in the sky that affects a planet or other thing in Obama’s chart, inciting change in him. This one is a movement of Jupiter across his Ascendant, a transit…
Venus Retrograde 2009: Descent Into Love’s Darkness Friday, March 6 through Friday, April 17, 2009 What Is Venus Retrograde? When Venus goes retrograde, she takes our hand and pulls us into the darkness of our relationships. A retrograde period of any planet is a retrospective…