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Cast Your Chart in Five Easy Steps

This is Astrology 101. In these five easy steps you’ll cast your natal chart and begin decoding it.

Step 1. How to Cast Your Chart

Your astrology chart is the go-to map of your Whole Entire Life. You’re now unboxing the very best source of information about how you were meant to live, why you’re here on Earth, the negative patterns that tend to form, how to solve them and how to live on purpose. Watch the video to begin.

What If I Don’t Have An Accurate Birth Time?
How to find your birth time and why it’s important.

Step 2. Use ‘My Natal Astrology Chart’ Calculator To Cast Your Chart

Add your information here and your astrology chart will pop up. Underneath it you’ll find boxes listing the planets in your chart, with the signs and houses they are in. You’ll want to screenshot all this information and save it on your phone for easy reference.

Step 3. Download ‘Key to Symbols of Astrology’ PDF

In Step 3, you get the ‘Key to the Symbols of Astrology’ and in Step 4, you watch the Chart Introduction video. Together, these tools translate astrology symbols into English, give meanings for all the planets, signs, houses and aspects, and show you how to find them in a chart. The Key also has a “natural chart” with all the planets placed in the houses and signs they rule. You’ll see how the magnificent system of astrology fits together and why astrology doesn’t put you into a one-of-12 box, but actually explains your unique personality in astonishing detail.

Download Worksheet

Step 4. Watch This Chart Introduction Video

Step 5: Learn About Yourself With These Resources
(some are free, some go deeper)

On my blog and site, there are a lot of things you can do. Here are just a few of the options:
Free article: What does your Sun sign mean about your creativity?
1-hour audio recording: What is the rhythm of your Personal Year, according to your Sun sign?
Free article: Brief meanings of all the Moon signs are found here: The Moon, Key to Self-Soothing.
1-hour audio or video recording: What does your Moon sign mean about your emotional life and best forms of self-care for you?
Free article: Brief meanings of all the Venus signs are found here: Venus Tells All
1-hour audio recording all about YOUR Venus sign including valuable keys to your type to fall in love with.
Free article: Brief meanings of all the Juno signs are found here: Juno Tells All.
1-hour audio recording all about YOUR Juno sign, including valuable keys to your type to marry / commit to.
Free article: What does your Mars house position mean?
Free article: What does your Mercury sign mean about your learning style?
Free article: How does your Jupiter sign bring you joy?
1-hour audio recording: What does your Saturn sign say about the Great Work of your lifetime?
2-hour audio or video recording: What does your Ceres sign say about your relationship with your body, your eating and wealth-building?
Check Pandora’s Monthly Astrology Forecast for the sky news of the month.
Check Pandora’s monthly Horoscope for news relevant to your sign.
For a 1-on-1, live and highly personalized reading, see our menu of services.
Browse Pandora’s library of downloadable recordings: Astro Market.
To attend live Zoom workshops on a variety of rotating topics (with interpretations of your own chart) join as a Demigod subscriber on Patreon.
Check Pandora’s Youtube channel for news videos about astrology.