Juno Retrograde This Year, 2025
Is Juno Retrograde?
Juno is direct (moving forwards)
Previous Juno Retrograde period:
January 12, 2024 to April 21, 2024
From 21º to 6º Virgo.
Upcoming Juno Retrograde period:
March 19, 2025 to July 10, 2025
From 1º Sagittarius to 16º Scorpio.
You probably know about Mercury Retrograde, and if you are a little deeper into astrology, you may even know about Venus Retrograde. But what is Juno Retrograde?
Retrograde means backwards, and what is happening is that Juno is traveling backwards along the zodiac in a way that’s measurable and very specific. All planetary transits are worth noticing, but retrogradations are especially so. Astrologers have discovered that retrograde motion is very meaningful for us Earthlings, and that its meaning differs greatly according to the planet that is going retrograde.
When Juno, asteroid goddess of committed relationships, goes retrograde, it can be hard on your relationships. However, this period can also make your relationships stronger if you know how to handle it. And because this period tends to last for 3 – 4 months and it happens frequently–about every year and a half–you’d really want to know. Read on to find out more.
What You’ll Learn About Juno Retrograde On This Page
On this page you’ll find out what Juno Retrograde is, what it means and how to handle it. First, you’ll learn about the astrological meaning of asteroid goddess Juno. Secondly, you’ll see a diagram showing the very specific timing of Juno’s retrograde passage and you’ll learn what each date on the diagram means. Thirdly, you’ll discover which signs it occupies this year and what they mean. And finally, you’ll find an opportunity to discover whether 2025’s Juno Retrograde period affects you personally and specifically.
Juno Retrograde Is A Relationship Review
Juno goes retrograde in our skies about every year and a half. When she does, she takes us into a several-months-long journey into the past to uncover the hidden and forgotten places in our committed partnerships. Suddenly, our habitual ways of relating with others, especially the people we are strongly bound to in a contractual way, are called into question.
During a this transit we find ourselves asking, “Why am I in this partnership?” “Does this partnership have equal give and take?” “What would it take for me to find the right partner—and why hasn’t it happened yet?”
These questions apply to committed, long-term personal relationships such as marriage, cohabitation or co-parenting. Likewise, they apply to business partnerships and consultants who work one-on-one with clients. Juno’s domain includes one-on-one connections that are expected to continue in the long-term, especially if they are cemented with a legal agreement.
Thus, when Juno is retrograde, these are the kinds of relationships demanding reevaluation. And if you’re not in a committed relationship at the time of this transit, your relationship history may come up in your mind, and you may find yourself reevaluating it to better your future relationship success.
How Long is Juno Retrograde?
Juno’s Retrograde period can last anywhere from 10 to 17 weeks. It’s part of a grand Juno cycle that lasts about a year and a half. While 2022’s Juno retrograde lasted for 13 weeks, 2024’s Juno retrograde lasted for 14 weeks and 2025’s lasts more than 16 weeks.
How Can I Use Juno’s Transit To My Advantage?
They say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” In other words, maybe your relationship isn’t quite broken, but is bent almost to the point of breaking. If that’s the case, this transit could break it all the way, forcing a fix. We all go through periods when we’re too busy with other things to maintain our relationships. This kind of “breakage” is exactly what might be needed to show you the maintenance that’s due. Even though it’s scary, in the end, it could well lead to the best results after all.
Consequently, this transit is a great time to analyze your relationship and reflect upon the parts that aren’t working, in order to make the entire thing stronger. Also, you can use the specific timeline of Juno’s cycle to stay tuned for days where the stars are aligned so that you might receive clarity. You’ll find useful dates in the diagram further down this page.
The 2025 Juno Retrograde Period:
Juno stations retrograde on March 19, 2025 at 1º Sagittarius. After that, she travels backwards to 16º Scorpio, where she stations direct on July 10, 2025. Juno Retrograde in Scorpio will bring up relationship issues which will not fully resolve until Juno goes direct again.
Juno Retrograde will still not be fully over until Juno again passes the degree of Sagittarius where she initially turned retrograde (1º Sagittarius). At this point, Juno will finally be done retracing old relationship ground, and her mission to teach us about partnership will be over for the year. All these events are noted on the diagram below and explained more fully in the following paragraphs.
The Juno Cycle and Its Milestones
1. Commitment Rapture Day
The grand cycle of Juno begins and ends with a day of “Ah-ha!” In other words, epiphany. Juno direct conjunct the Sun brings a moment of brilliant clarity in our partnerships, helping them progress quickly and healthily. This can be a great day for beginning a relationship or taking an existing relationship to the next level of commitment–while feeling that this relationship is built to last. Other factors allowing, this can be a good day to marry.
The day that Juno direct conjoins the Sun marks the beginning and end of a Juno cycle. I call these “Commitment Rapture Days”. You can see in the diagram above that this cycle began with one on October 16, 2024 at 23º Libra and finishes with one on December 16, 2025 at 25º Sagittarius.
2. Pivotal Day: Juno Goes Retrograde
You can begin to feel Juno Retrograde approaching during the weeks before it happens. From the day Juno enters its retrograde span at 16º Scorpio (December 21, 2024), your Juno Retrograde experience may be ramping up. And when Juno actually does go retrograde (March 19 2025), you might well feel that your long-term relationships, social contracts and marital prospects begin facing obstacles.
Here’s where it will really help you to understand the signs Juno is retrograding through. They will give you a clue about what there is for you to learn about relationships this year during Juno Retrograde. See the section below to find out more about this year’s passage through Scorpio and Sagittarius.
3. Commitment Clarity Day
Next, there is a second kind of epiphany during the Juno cycle. This occurs the day that Juno is retrograde and opposes the Sun. I call this “Commitment Clarity Day.” It’s the most painful (but also the most transformative) day of the entire cycle.
If Juno’s reexamination period is hard on you or your relationship, clarity will likely come on Commitment Clarity Day or as it is approaching. This clarity can lead to a deeper bond and greater commitment in your relationship going forward. Or perhaps it brings the clarity that leads to a separation, divorce or mediation of a long-standing disagreement. This cycle’s Commitment Clarity Day is on May 14, 2025 at 24º Scorpio.
4. Pivotal Day: Juno Goes Direct
Juno slows again as she prepares to pivot direct. At this point you may begin to naturally approach a sense of conclusion or closure. You may naturally begin to feel the period of self-examination or relationship analysis coming to a close. You may feel yourself facing fewer obstacles, and instead gaining momentum to bring negotiations to a conclusion.
While Juno is retrograde, you face obstacles that call for real change in your relationship (if you are in one) or in yourself (if you are not). In the weeks after Juno is once again moving direct / forward, you will discover opportunities to prove how much you have grown. You’ll get to demonstrate what you’ve learned from Juno’s lessons in relating.
5. Commitment Resolution Day
Finally comes the day when Juno once again returns to the place where she first went retrograde (1º Sagittarius), this time to pass through and onward for good. I call this Commitment Resolution Day, and this year it happens on December 16, 2025. On this day, the cycle’s themes resolve and complete. This is the point where you can get final closure on the changes your relationship went through. After this point, the stressors are done and a new steady state can be established.
If you have any planet or point (such as your Ascendant) in your chart at any of the degrees of Juno’s milestone days, you will feel this strongly—and that planet or point will give powerful clues about how Juno’s transit will feel for you, and where in your life changes will happen.
Want to understand Juno in Your Chart?
Juno is the Spouse, Business Partner and Social Leader in you.
Understanding the Juno cycle can help you in all
of your contractual partnerships—both marital and business.
To learn how Juno in your chart helps you
find the right partner for you
and improve all your relationships,
Contact Pandora Astrology for a Lifelong Love reading.
Juno Retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius:
In 2025, Juno goes retrograde in the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius, infusing this Juno Retrograde period with Scorpio themes of possession, intimacy and emotional depth. Juno will occupy Sagittarius for a brief time at the beginning and end of this transit. This signals that the values of freedom, spaciousness and growth are likely to trigger the changes that are coming.
Here I want to add that a relationship impacted could be a marriage, a committed / living-together relationship or even a completely nonsexual business partnership. The key is the level of commitment involved. Juno governs contractual relationships—and if you know anyone in a business partnership or an LLC with another person, they will tell you it’s a lot like being married.
While this Juno Retrograde is likely to bring stress to your relationship, the purpose is not to destroy it. This time brings opportunities for change, growth and transformation. Use this time to examine things about your relationship (or how you are in it) that you don’t look at every day. It can leave your partnership fundamentally better and stronger—and who decides how this transit goes? You do.
Questions to Ask During This Juno Retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius
During this transit, you may find yourself asking questions, such as:
- Is this relationship equitable? If it provides freedom, is that freedom for both parties or is it a double standard?
- Does one partner have more control over the other? Is one partner more invested than the other?
- Is there an attempt to balance sex with money? Can that balance be struck and feel fair to both parties?
- Is there real intimacy here, or is it an entanglement that lacks depth?
- Is this relationship negatively impacted by either partner’s addictions (or both)?
- Is this a relationship where both parties can grow without breaking the relationship?
And here’s a warning: you can get through this transit and prevent any real change happening to your relationship. You can just wait this transit out—and it’s true that not every Juno Retrograde period is going to bring earth-shaking change. But if it is time for you to change and you don’t, this can result in just crushing down the problems and pressurizing them. Afterwards, you’re left with the same problems, only more calcified, and it may be harder to address them in the future.
Does 2025’s Juno Retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius Affect You Specifically?
There are 3 ways you might feel this transit.
Firstly, you will feel this transit in the area of life corresponding with the house Juno is traveling backwards through in your chart. That’s something you can find out about in a reading with astrologer Jamie Kahl Miller of Pandora Astrology.
Secondly, anything (planet, asteroid or other point) in your chart that sits in Juno’s 2025 span will be affected. Juno will be retrograde from 1º Sagittarius back to 16º Scorpio, so if you have anything at all in your chart between 16º Scorpio and 1º Sagittarius, you will likely feel this transit strongly. Additionally, because Sagittarius is a Mutable sign, anything you have in 0 – 1º of the other 3 Mutable signs will feel this transit (they are Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces). Similarly, because Scorpio is a Fixed sign, if you have anything in your chart in the same degree span of the other Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo and Aquarius), you will feel this transit keenly.
You can find out the degree placements of planets, asteroids and Ascendent and Midheaven in your chart by using my chart calculator for free.
And thirdly, if your Sun is in a degree along Juno’s retrograde span, you’ll feel it too. Here are the birthdates (in any year at all) that are acutely affected by 2025’s Juno Retrograde:
February 4 to 20
May 5 to 22
August 8 to 24
November 7 to 23
Go Deeper
Previous Juno Cycles:
Feb 2024:
Juno Retrograde in Virgo
Juno in Virgo is like love under a microscope…
This set of posts in 2022:
Rapturous Relating: Juno Direct and Venus Conjunct Sun (Oct 2022)
Relationship Retrospection: Mercury and Juno Retrograde (Sept 2022)
Juno Retrograde in Pisces (July 2022, this is where it all began!)
Learn about the other relationship goddess on Pandora Astrology’s Venus page
2021-2022: Juno Direct with Venus Retrograde in Capricorn
Taking Relationships Seriously
April 2021: Juno’s Retrograde in Sagittarius
Relationship Growth and Freedom
Juno Retrograde in the Spring of 2020:
Love In the Time of Coronavirus