Yup, Pluto is showing up, right on schedule, to take out the garbage. Today Pluto turns direct, ending his yearly backwards journey. Pluto has traveled several degrees backwards and today turns his face forwards again. He will now retrace forwards the same steps he made…
Why do Virgo types often end up at the top of their profession? How exactly do they succeed so wildly while operating behind the scenes and fending off showy praises? And exactly why should you be afraid of that unassuming worker in the corner who…
The Federal Reserve Bank has been having a hell of a time since the beginning of 2008. This is reflected in its astrology chart. Pluto in the sky has come opposite its position in the Fed’s chart. This is something that few human beings get…
Today is the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s telescope. Why did Galileo develop the telescope? Because he was an astrologer, of course. He cast horoscopes and attempted to rectify his own chart. His interest in studying the sky came from contemporary news of a Jupiter-Mars conjunction.* …
In my travels through life as an astrologer I have found that Virgo is the sign most people would rather not be. “What? I have Virgo rising? No!” “You mean I’m not really a Libra, I’m actually a Virgo? I didn’t want that.” “Virgo is…
From May of 2009 to November of 2010, Neptune and Chiron are dancing in & out of conjunction with each other. They came within kissing distance of a conjunction on May 30, 2009 and will again on November 6, 2010. Their only true (exact) conjunction…
Jupiter & Chiron have been moving in and out of conjunction (i.e. so close they could be holding hands) in 2009, bringing up some interesting possibilities for healing & growth. They connected the first time this year on May 23rd, the second time on July…
Of the 3 water signs, one is Cardinal, one is Fixed and one is Mutable. When a zodiac sign is Cardinal, that means it sends its elemental energy in a directed way. If it’s Fixed, then it consolidates and contains its elemental energy while the…
Jupiter and Neptune meet up among the clouds. If you listen, you can hear snippets of their conversation. Jupiter: Neptune, you & I have been dancing around together quite a bit this year. Neptune: Yes, but this is the first time we’ve really come into…
This eclipse falls in the sign of Capricorn, which means it shows us our shadow in the area of career. We see our shadows when we are deeply immersed in career-building, ambition or neglecting ourselves for a long-term goal. Some aspect of our work can…