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Is Jupiter Your Good Fairy?

You probably know that you go through big transitions at times when the outer planets in our solar system trigger something in your chart.  Those planets are Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter.  As the fastest of the outer planets, Jupiter moves at a speed that brings it into aspect with planetary combinations already in progress.  When those planetary combinations are challenging, Jupiter can act as the “good fairy” that blesses where others are cursing.

This Happened in 2009
Let me illustrate this with an example. In 2009, Chiron and Neptune were traveling together in late Aquarius, blending their themes of wounding/healing (Chiron) and spiritual expansion (Neptune). This was a really big deal at the time and I wrote several posts about it:
Neptune Conjunct Chiron: Eighteen Months of Spiritual Healing
Neptune and Chiron Ask You To Bridge Heaven and Earth

By May of 2009, Jupiter had joined the party, and I wrote a 3-part series of posts about “Rejoining the Beautiful and Loving Human Family” because this triple conjunction was in Aquarius:  May’s Triple Conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter.

In 2009, Chiron and Neptune were causing many people to face a deep, spiritual wound in themselves–with the intent to heal it once and for all.  When Jupiter joined Chiron and Neptune, a quality of hope entered the picture and the burden was lightened considerably.  If you have anything in your chart in 26 degrees of Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, you would definitely have felt this.  Jupiter was acting as your Good Fairy.

So What Do I Mean By The “Good Fairy?”
In the story of Sleeping Beauty (which by the way, is a fairly iconic fairy tale with many properties that fairy tales typically have), there is a “bad fairy” and a “good fairy.”  Here’s how it goes. . .

At the birth of the baby princess, the King and Queen invite all the fairies to a christening so they can bestow gifts on the child.  The fairies show up and shower the princess with many blessings, mostly in the form of personality traits, like Charm, Grace, Wisdom, Wit, Patience, Beauty, and so forth.  They are almost done when the bad fairy shows up.  In some versions, she’s not actually bad, she’s just angry because they forgot to invite her.  In the Walt Disney version, she’s just plain bad.  She shows up in her black carriage drawn by bats, sweeps in and curses the baby princess: “When she’s 16, she’ll prick her finger on a spindle and DIE!!!!”  After the bad fairy leaves, there’s one final good fairy who hasn’t had a chance to give her blessing.  The good fairy says, “I can’t undo the curse completely, but I can soften it.  When she’s 16, she will prick her finger on a spindle, but instead of dying, she’ll sleep for 100 years—oh and by the way, everyone else will sleep too, so you won’t even notice—and then she’ll be awakened by true love’s first kiss.”

Naturally, all this comes to pass and the story ends with a royal wedding, as such stories do.

How Does the Good Fairy Affect Transits?
The Good Fairy can’t stop the difficult parts of the transit from happening.  After all, that would deprive us of valuable life lessons.  But the Good Fairy can fill you with the confidence to get through them.  The Good Fairy is a voice within you that says, “It’s going to be ok.  I can grow from this.  I am bigger than this.  I am strong and competent.  I can handle it.”  You will feel that everything is going to be all right, even if you can’t explain why you feel that.

Your experience of Jupiter as the Good Fairy can differ depending on whether Jupiter appears on the scene early or late.

When Jupiter appears early, and is followed by a crescendo of challenge as the other two, more difficult planets ramp up, it can lead you to bite off more than you can chew, due to overconfidence.  You have to deliberately hold back and also allow that confidence to accumulate, so it will carry you through the part after Jupiter has moved on and is no longer buoying you up.  Knowing that the challenges will continue beyond the period of hope can let you know to approach with more caution than you may be feeling—and that kind of golden information is one of the best reasons to get an astrology reading.

When Jupiter appears late, it can be like the light at the end of the tunnel.  The beginning of the transit is the most difficult part, and you have to get through it yourself, but you’re rewarded in the middle by the arrival of Jupiter, along with a surge of confidence that carries you across the finish line.  Jupiter fills you with hope and strength, as you hear him cheer, “I knew you could do it!  Now let’s finish this!”  Finding out that Jupiter is about to involve himself before he actually does can also give you hope—another excellent reason to find out about your transits for the year before they begin.

Now Jupiter Is Blessing Pluto and Uranus
If you’re wondering why I’m telling you this, of course it’s because it’s happening right now.  This year, Pluto and Uranus are traveling in a square to each other, which began in 2012 and lasts until 2015.  This is a very challenging combination and many people are experiencing it.  It’s putting people through really big changes, some of which are emotional and some of which are intellectual.  The Pluto part is an intense, full-scale metamorphosis, bringing up issues of power and control as the part of you its triggering goes through a death-and-rebirth experience.  The Uranus part is a paradigm shift—a reframing of everything you thought you knew and understood about the part of you being triggered.  You’ll feel this in the area of life covered by the planet in your chart that’s triggered (Venus = relationships, Saturn = career, Sun = identity, and so on).

Uranus and Pluto began their square in 2012 and won’t be done until 2015.  These are only the most intense years of a larger patch of time—when we look back on this, it will probably define the teen-decade of the 21st century, much the way Uranus and Pluto’s previous connection defined the 1960s.  It’s affecting people with planets in 8 to 15 degrees of all four Cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Libra and Cancer).  You can read about it here:  Uranus and Pluto Topple the Great Edifice.

Jupiter catches up with the Uranus/Pluto-square-in-progress and “runs with the big boys” from August of 2013 to June of 2014.  The result is that Jupiter blesses all the people who are struggling to transform (Pluto) themselves and revolutionize (Uranus) their lives.

Want to know if Jupiter is blessing you this year?

Contact Jamie to schedule a reading.


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.