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Chiron Sextiles Pluto: Wholeness in Business

By October 26, 2013September 24th, 2021Astrology for Non-Astrologers, Astrology for Students, Chiron, Pluto

Chiron and Pluto meet on a mountaintop.

Pluto: Say, Chiron, I thought we could compare notes on what we’ve been up to this year.
Chiron:  Yeah, that’s why they call this a “summit.”
Pluto:  What?
Chiron:  Never mind. I forgot you have no sense of humor.  So what have you been up to this year?
Pluto:  For a couple of years now, while moving through Capricorn, I’ve been busy pushing people to pursue their ambitions and where people and businesses are unethical, I’ve revealed the corruption.  It hasn’t always been pretty, but I’ve been taking out the garbage.
Chiron:  That’s your specialty.
Pluto:  Yes. What have you been doing since you entered Pisces?
Chiron:  Look at this bridge I’ve built—
Chiron points to a lovely structure that begins on the mountain’s side and juts out into the clouds.
Pluto:  Stunning.  What’s it for?
Chiron:  It connects the physical world with the metaphysical one.  Not everyone is capable of crossing this bridge and even fewer know how to come back.
Pluto:  I know some humans who would be very interested in this bridge.
Chiron:  If they pass your test, they are of high integrity.
Pluto:  True.  And that would qualify them to gain access to spiritual truths and wisdom that they can’t get in the physical world.  Which you show them how to get to.
Chiron:  Right.  Let’s try it.  Got any candidates?
Pluto:  Here are my finest.
Pluto snaps his fingers and a line of Human Beings begins to form, straggling up the mountain.  The first Human looks up every once in a while, straining her eyes for a view of her destination, the beautiful bridge.  She arrives at the summit.
Human Being:  Something inside told me that I should come here, but I don’t know why.
Pluto:  Do you run a business?
Human Being:  I am a CEO, yes.
Pluto:  Do you take responsibility for the well-being of your employees?
Human Being:  That responsibility is theirs, but I provide a pleasant work environment and decent pay.
Pluto:  Does your business offer something to the world that the world needs?  Is it something that builds more than it breaks?
Human Being:  It contributes to people’s lives while destroying none.  I feel good about it.
Pluto:  And is the way you do business in alignment with your core values?
Human Being:  Yes.  It is an expression of my core values.  The founders and owners feel the same.
Pluto:  Then you may pass.
He waves her on.  She steps out to the entry of the bridge, where Chiron stands.
Chiron:  If you continue your business in those ways, I have a gift for you, and a promise.
Human Being:  Oh my!  I had no idea!
Chiron:  The gift is that you will gain access to universal wisdom and deep peace of mind.  Your work/life balance is assured.
Human Being relaxes visibly.
Chiron:  The promise is that, when you reach the end of life and you look back on it all, you will feel that you have lived this life in the right way and you will be satisfied down to your bones.  When you leave your body at the end, the knowledge you gained will be poured into the Universal Coffers where others may partake of it and understand.  Do you see the value of this gift and this promise?
Human Being:  Absolutely I do.
Chiron:  Then go back to your life.  It’s not time for you to cross over yet.  Come back at the end of it all.
Human Being turns and walks silently back down the mountain.
Chiron (to Pluto):  Good candidate.  Got more?
Pluto (gesturing):  There’s a whole line of them here.
Chiron:  We’ll be busy until spring of 2014.
Pluto:  At least!
And so they will, as this harmonious sextile between transformative Pluto and bridge-building Chiron continues through February of 2014.

Read my other post about this Chiron-Pluto sextile here:  Chiron and Pluto at the Alchemical Pool of Healing
And read about other sky events in 2013 here: Planetary Trends in 2013

Want to know how Chiron and Pluto are affecting your chart right now?

A reading can tell you this, what to do about it and much more.

Contact Jamie to find out how.


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.