Jupiter is in Leo from July 16, 2014 to August 11, 2015 Jupiter expands. . . but can Leo get any bigger? Leos may find their already-sunny personalities expanded this year. If this sounds like both a good and a bad thing, that’s because it…
Be Afraid—Be Very Afraid! In astrology’s infancy, about four to five thousand years ago, eclipses were a terrifying phenomenon. The experience of day suddenly becoming night, of the moon covering and temporarily hiding the sun and the sun inexplicably disappearing brought terror to human beings….
In my previous article You’re Not Just Your Sun Sign I pointed out that human beings are too complex to be reduced to a single sign of the zodiac. I hope also that I made it clear that it’s possible for a person to be…
Ever read a description of your “sign” and just felt like it had little or nothing to do with you? Ever felt categorized by astrology, forced into a grouping that had no relevance for your life? Ever felt frustrated by others who discover your sign…