Today Jupiter and Chiron are in conjunction for the third and final time in 2009. Jupiter and Chiron have met on a giant cloud over Mount Olympus, home of the gods. They are watching events on Earth. Chiron: (pointing) Hey, Jupiter, you see that little...
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Jolly Jupiter has spent the last few months (since June 15) traveling backwards. Today he turns his face forward and re-covers the same ground. Why should you care? If he’s passing through a zone where you have a planet in your natal chart, he’s been...
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Jupiter & Chiron have been moving in and out of conjunction (i.e. so close they could be holding hands) in 2009, bringing up some interesting possibilities for healing & growth. They connected the first time this year on May 23rd, the second time on July…
Jupiter and Neptune meet up among the clouds. If you listen, you can hear snippets of their conversation. Jupiter: Neptune, you & I have been dancing around together quite a bit this year. Neptune: Yes, but this is the first time we’ve really come into…
As you may know, Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter have met in the sky this month. This triple conjunction is a powerhouse of meaning. In my previous post I talked about what it means that Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter are in Aquarius. That was a follow-up...
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“The needs of the many outweigh needs of the few—or the one.” -Spock In my previous post I introduced the 3 characters in the present Triple conjunction in Aquarius: Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune. In this post I’ll talk about what it means that they are...
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Here at the end of May of 2009 there is a momentous and extremely rare triple conjunction of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter in 26 degrees of Aquarius. This conjunction provides an unprecedented opportunity to re-experience your place in the human family in ways that bring...
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Eclipses are powerful astrological signposts of change. Around midnight this morning a solar eclipse occurred. For background on what eclipses mean in general, what they are (astronomically) and how each eclipse usually has one or more Shadow Agents, look here: Eclipses and the Shadow Agent....
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