The world-changing square between Uranus and Pluto in Cardinal signs lasts from June of 2012 to March of 2015, and this month its effects are intensified by the addition of Jupiter and Mars, forming a Cardinal Grand Cross (sometimes called a Grand Square) in the…
This year going with the flow brings success and fun: Astrologers are very good at making dire predictions—but what use is that unless they can also tell you when is the BEST time to pursue new ventures? I’m just the astrologer to let you know…
In my Rocket-Fuel Your Career teleclasses this year, I’ve been talking about how astrology can help you get on track and pursue a career that’s right for you in a self-disciplined way. So far, we’ve been focusing on Saturn and things have been rather heavy,…
January 10, 2013 Human Being is praying aloud. Human Being: I feel so lost. Why will no god hear me? Jupiter: We hear you. Chiron: We are here for you. Jupiter: We noticed that you’ve lost something. Human: Indeed I have. I’ve lost my wisdom. …
Jupiter’s yearly pivot from direct (forwards-moving) to retrograde (backwards-moving) begins tomorrow. Calling all Geminis, Virgos, Sagittarians and Pisceans born between If you were born in the following date-spans, you can expect a period of growth and expansion this year, which has already begun: Gemini: born…
“Wake up!” says Jupiter. “Recently I initiated you into a big-time growth experience. Now I’m telling you again: it’s time to expand.” Today Is A Pivotal Day When a planet turns retrograde it makes a pivot in the sky and also creates a metaphorically “pivotal”…
Jupiter and Uranus are up to something really different this month—the two of them are not only coming into conjunction, but they’re also both moving into Aries. Here’s what it might be like. Uranus and Jupiter are in a tidepool at the edge of the…
This month, Jupiter and Saturn come into opposition in the sky. Since Jupiter is all about expansion, getting bigger and having confidence in ourselves and Saturn is all about contraction, being emotionally reserved and working hard to earn what we gain in life, you can…