If you’ve read my monthly Forecasts over the years, you may have periodically noticed that sometimes I’ll describe days in which “nothing is happening,” and you may have wondered what use you could possibly make of information like that. These are days in which no…
“Wake up!” says Saturn. “I gave you a chance to see your responsibility recently. Now I’m telling you again: this is a time of testing.” Today is a Pivotal Day When a planet turns retrograde it makes a pivot in the sky and also creates…
You may have read recent articles about a “new zodiac sign” called Ophiuchus. It’s not actually news. Here’s the article I found: http://www.livescience.com/strangenews/wobbly-earth-horoscope-zodiac-wrong-110113.html. This article went viral, and I (and astrologers all over the nation, apparently) are getting questions about the “new sign” from people…
I get the eeriest feeling sometimes, when I’m doing readings. Most times, actually. I’m sitting there talking with someone I just met, telling them all about their life in intimate detail. I’m finding things in their chart that I don’t know about them as a…
Friday, October 8 through Thursday, November 18, 2010 What Is Venus Retrograde? When Venus goes retrograde, she takes our hand and pulls us into the darkness of our relationships. A retrograde period of any planet is a retrospective of that planet’s themes. It is like…