Before you begin:
Your astrology chart is the go-to map of your life. Your Whole. Entire. Life. It’s worth digging up your accurate birth time for this, because some things in the sky move quickly and can cause a difference in your chart (and therefore your personality) in as short a time as 10 minutes.
The time listed on your birth certificate is usually better than what a relative remembers, so don’t just take your mom’s word for it. Find a written source with a down-to-the-minute-accurate birth time in it. You’ll be glad you did.
No birth time?
If you have no birth time, list noon as the time. Many things about the resulting chart will not be accurate, including your Ascendant (aka Rising sign), your Midheaven, and the house placements of all the planets. Your Moon sign may also be off if you were born on a day when the Moon changed signs.
How to cast your chart: