February’s lunar eclipse involves a self-centered Leo Moon supported in a Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus. These fiery-placed planets are not going to hold the Moon back but the Sun in Aquarius (with help from Jupiter in Libra) has other ideas. The mood is...
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The Moon in your chart tells what you need in order to feel safe, secure and well taken care of. Satisfying your Lunar needs enables you to relax, rest deeply and engage in the healthy form of self-care that matters most to you. Your Moon sign is...
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This year, Saturn enters into a square with Chiron, which lasts almost a year and spans 21 to 27º of Mutable signs, affecting those with Sun in Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo everywhere. Chiron is the planet of wounding and healing while Saturn rules authoritarianism...
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This year, Jupiter enters into an opposition with Uranus, which lasts ten months and spans 20 to 27º of Cardinal signs, affecting those with Sun in Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn everywhere. Uranus brings revolution, revolt, rebellion and large shifts in consciousness, while Jupiter expands...
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This year, Saturn enters into a trine with Uranus, which lasts most of the year and spans 20 to 26º of Fire signs, affecting those with planets in Sagittarius, Aries and Leo everywhere. Uranus is the Revolutionary while Saturn is the Traditionalist. The trine is...
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The Moon in your chart tells what you need in order to feel safe, secure and well taken care of. Satisfying your Lunar needs enables you to relax, rest deeply and engage in the healthy form of self-care that matters most to you. Your Moon sign is...
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The Moon in your chart tells what you need in order to feel safe, secure and well taken care of. Satisfying your Lunar needs enables you to relax, rest deeply and engage in the healthy form of self-care that matters most to you. Your Moon sign is...
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The Moon in your chart tells what you need in order to feel safe, secure and well taken care of. Satisfying your Lunar needs enables you to relax, rest deeply and engage in the healthy form of self-care that matters most to you. Your Moon sign is...
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The Moon in your chart tells what has you feel safe, secure and well taken care of. If you satisfy your Lunar needs, you are able to relax, rest deeply and engage in the healthy form of self-care that matters most to you. Your Moon...
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Those who are born under the fiery, fixed sign of Leo (born between July 23 and August 22) are widely known for their showmanship, creativity, and leadership. Ruled by the Sun, the very core of our solar system, Leos tend to take the center-stage and...
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In my previous article about Ceres, the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, I argued that Ceres fits very well as a ruler of Taurus. If Ceres does rule Taurus, then Scorpio is its sign of detriment. In this article I continue by describing why...
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These instructions will allow you to find some of the more obscure data, like your Ascendant degree or positions of Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno, Vesta or Chiron, as well as the basic 10 planets. Before you begin: Your astrology chart is the go-to map of...
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Saturn in your chart points down a career path that can satisfy you and bring you success. Knowing your Saturn sign orients you, motivates you and gets you unstuck. Do you have Saturn in Cancer in your astrology chart? If you do, then you need...
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Saturn in your chart points down a career path that can satisfy you and bring you success. Knowing your Saturn sign orients you, motivates you and gets you unstuck. Do you have Saturn in Gemini in your astrology chart? If you do, then you need...
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Astronomers agree that Ceres is the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, and that the belt falls in the zone predicted by Bode’s Law. Ceres’ size and regular shape and other factors cause some astronomers to designate it a “dwarf planet” along with Pluto and...
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In April of 2016, Mars turns retrograde in 8º Sagittarius, travels backwards into Scorpio, turns direct again and finishes its journey by returning to 8º Sagittarius by the end of August. There isn’t a better representation of Sagittarian and Scorpio themes than the loss of…
Saturn in your chart points down a career path that can satisfy you and bring you success. Knowing your Saturn sign orients you, motivates you and gets you unstuck. Do you have Saturn in Taurus in your astrology chart? If you do, then you need...
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Aries, this post is all about you, which must mean that I have your full attention! Your sign is the hard-headed ram (born between March 22 and April 20) and like a ram, you literally plunge head-first into life. You’re a natural leader, and the…
March’s Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, with Shadow Agents Mars and Mercury in attendance. Mercury aligns with the Sun in Aries, demanding logic and swift thought. Mars cheers from the sidelines in support. But the Moon in Libra wants balance instead of impulsivity....
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March’s New Moon in Pisces is also an eclipse and oh boy is this a complex one! Shadow Agents in attendance include Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Ceres and Juno. The mood is one of new beginnings that emerge from muddy origins. The healing themes present...
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